Chapter 47 - Reclaiming a Z-ring

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

"You guys should've not done that, I wouldn't have to release this guy to absolutely annihilate you guys." Ash said. "Oh? I'm not scared!" Skull grunt blue said. "You'll be soon." Ash said throwing a Pokeball towards the Battlefield.

Pikachu went back into the bag while making a peace sign. "Pika... (Good luck...)" Pikachu chirped. The Pokeball opened and the Grunts were confused. Gladion was confused as well. "What is that Pokemon huh?" The grunts said.

"I guess it makes sense that no one know who I am." Mewtwo said. "Listen up Grunts, prepare to get pummeled by him alone." Ash said. "Oh really? Bring it." Skull grunt blue said provoking him.

"Mistake." Mewtwo said while smirking. Mewtwo used Psychic and held them in place, Mewtwo then raised his hand to prepare an attack. "Call my attack." Mewtwo said. "Mewtwo! Use Aura Sphere!" Ash said.

"So it's a Mewtwo huh? Never seen one, native to somewhere else?" Gladion asked. Aura Sphere landed on the opponents and exploded them. "Yeah, but it's better if you don't tell anyone this," Ash said.

"I'll only have him as a temporary amount of time, because Arc allowed me to have him." Ash said. "Okay, but wow that's powerful." Gladion said as he looked over to the opponents, they were defeated.

"Just one move?" Gladion said. "More like two because of Psychic." Ash corrected. "Cool. I want to challenge him." Gladion said. "Don't please." Ash said. "Why?" Gladion questioned. "Because he shows no mercy." Ash said.

"Wh-whoa! He's crazy!" Skull grunt blue said. "Y-yeah! He beat us in one hit!" Skull grunt pink said. "We gotta get out of here!" Skull grunt brown said while returning his Pokemon, the rest did the same. They took off in a flash.

"Hope they don't come back, wasted my time, wasn't even worth my time." Mewtwo said. "Wow he can use Telepathy too?" Gladion said. "Well he is a Psychic type." Ash said. "Telepathy isn't one of my moves, but I'll be on my way, temporary use right?" Mewtwo said.

"Thanks, I didn't want to fight them." Ash said. "Catch more Pokemon Alpha." Mewtwo said while teleporting away. "Okay, bye..." Ash said while waving towards the sky. Ash sighed, "He still hates humans..." Ash thought to himself.

Ash yawned. "Bye, see you later. I'll be at the Pokemon Center to rent a room, I'm tired." Ash said. "Okay, Battle you tomorrow." Gladion said. "How about everyday? It's a good workout for our Pokemon. And exercise." Ash said. "Sure." Gladion simply said.

Next morning...

Ash woke up to the sound of banging in his window. "Huh?" Ash said while yawning. Tapu Koko was visiting Alpha. "Tapu Koko?" Ash said confused. Tapu Koko opened the window and came inside with a Z-ring.

Ash took an ear plug, plugged it into his ear; Ash pulled out a Microphone and pointed it towards Tapu Koko. "Here Alpha! Take this Z-ring because this was originally yours, I'll sign it just in case anyone gets suspicious with you." Tapu Koko said.

"Thanks, so do I have to go through the trials again?" Ash said. "Umm... Yeah... But to start this off, here." Tapu Koko said while handing a Z crystal to Ash. "What kind of Z crystal is this? And how do I do the moves for it?" Ash said.

"Arc requested me to give this to you, the only Z crystal that is used by Mew." Tapu Koko said. "Mew really likes you Ash, pst! Wanna hear a secret? Someone is jealous of you and she isn't human nor Ultra beast." Tapu Koko said.

"Who? Is she jealous because I'm famous?" Ash said. Tapu Koko took three moments to realize something, Tapu Koko facepalmed, "This kid is the most dense person ever." Tapu Koko said in a disappointed tone.

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