Chapter 3 - Running into a dear 'Friend'

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company)

Ash and his partner Pikachu were walking off with a new friend Mew, however they have a feeling they will be a target...

"Mew! (Arceus? Well I know that name! Did he sent you to help little old me?)" Mew says. "Well yeah he did!" Ash says while scratching the back of his head. "Arceus are you there? I saved Mew! Am I done?" Ash says. "You did? I thought you were going to have a little bit of trouble..." Arceus says. "Well I dealed with Team Rocket before!" Ash says. "I can tell for sure, anyways you're not done just yet... I need your help again." Arceus says. "Oh okay... When will I be able to get my second chance?" Ash says. "Sorry Ash it may take a very long time... But I will make you an exception, Mew can you hear me?" Arceus says. "Mew! (Loud and clear sir!)" Mew chirps happily. "Ash I want you to catch Mew. Mew are you okay with this?" Arceus says. "Me-me-mew! (Yes sir! Let's have some fun Ash!)" Mew chirps lightly. "A-are you okay with this Arceus? please don't kill me..." Ash says to himself. Arceus laughs while saying, " Haha haah I'm not gonna kill you Ash, but however you need to get stronger and catch more Pokemon to help back you up Ash because your Pikachu can't defeat evil villans alone." Arceus says. "Alright where do I start?" Ash says.

"You should get to your next mission, I'll tell you all about it in short. Kyogre and Groudon are in really big trouble, they were captured by Team Aqua and Magma. I don't want to show myself to the world because I'm afraid someone may have one of those what do you call it? Oh yeah Master balls." Arceus says. "Alright! Is there a faster way to get there?" Ash says. "I could teleport you, but I have to be near you." Arceus says. "Take the nearest Faire to the Hoenn region to find a familiar Pokemon from that region that will help you find Kyogre. In other words, go to Viridian City." Arceus says. "Right-o!" Ash says.

Somewhere in Kanto...

"Hey May! You got to check this out! I caught a Pidgey! And I'm gonna be strong as... him..." Max says while frowning slowly. May dropped a tear remembering that Ash was a good friend to her also very strong and brave. She blushes remembering that one time where he has saved her life.
"Hey May? I'm sorry for his lost it wasn't any of our faults it was just a coincidence, I also feel bad too." Max says. "It's alright, after all we do have to move on right?" May says. "Right!" Max says. "But now... I'm gonna have to finish his goal... Becoming a Pokemon Master." Max says with confidence. "Now that I've got Pidgey! I can evolve him into a Pidgeot! Then find an mega evolution stone to mega evolve as well as my newest crew members Ralts and Treecko!" Max says. May laughed at this and remembered how Ash sometimes plan ahead for the future, but gets too confident about winning and ends up losing. "Ash I miss you..." May thought to herself. "Come on May! We need to get back to the Hoenn region! Dad's waiting for us back at home! We can take the nearest Faire from here which is... Viridian City."

Back to Ash...

"Mew come on out!" Ash says. "What is it Master?" Mew says while winking a little. "Mew I wanted to say that... are you okay staying inside your pokeball?" Ash says. "Yeah! It was a little cozy, dizzy at first, but very okay!" Mew says. After a couple minutes of walking Ash got tired of it. "Oh man... This is going to take a while..." Ash says groaning. "Don't worry Ash, if you're getting bored then... take out a bike to ride in your bag I have handed to you..." Arceus says. "Alright! But... How does that fit in a bag?" Ash says. "I don't know, but do it anyway..." Arceus says.

Ash listened and did what Arceus told him to do. "Wow! Science is so amazing!" Ash says as a bike came out of the bag. "Science is... That? Nah that's not how science works." Arceus says to Ash. "Time to ride! Hold on tight Pikachu! Return Mew!" Ash says while returning Mew. Ash rode off to Viridian City on a bike with Pikachu on his shoulder.

Somewhere with Misty...

Misty was riding back to her gym after an afternoon dose of fresh air. Well, well, well, It looks like she bumped into somebody, but who is it?

"Ow! Hey! Watch where you're going!" Misty says on the floor. "Sorry mam err!!!" ??? says. "Sorry gotta go!" ??? says running off with his bike. "Hmm? Who is that guy???" Misty says to herself.

Back to Ash...

"Good job Ash you haven't revealed your identity, but that was a close one!" Arceus says. "Sorry Arceus, I almost failed you." Ash says. Ash turns around to see no one following him. "Wasn't that Misty?" Ash thought to himself. "No worry just focus on your mission." Arceus says. Ash shrugged and rode his way to Viridian City.

Time skip...

"Hey we made it buddy!" Ash says to Pikachu. "Pika! (Ya betcha we did!)" Pikachu says. "And there's your faire!" Arceus says. "Don't I gotta pay in?" Ash says. "Don't worry, I've got you covered." Arceus says while something fell out of the sky. "PIDGEY!!! (INCOMING!!!)" "Hmm???" Ash says looking up. Ash had caught the item. It was a package with a Parachute out of the sky! "And that my friend is how it's done..." Arceus says. "I bet you had a flying type flew high above and drop this... Also what is this???" Ash says. "You got that right... and that my friend is a package filled with poke dollars, best of luck to you Ketchum..." Arceus says. "Well thanks I guess?" Ash says. "I wonder where he got this?" Ash thought to himself.

Somewhere in the room with Arceus...

"Hmm... Xerneas report." Arceus says. "Sir, reporting..." Xerneas says. "How's things been doing in Kalos?" Arceus says. "Fine Sir, however Zygarde been upset lately..." Xerneas says. "Why?" Arceus says. "I don't know why he won't tell me he says it is 'personal'." Xerneas says. "I'll ask him about it." Arceus says. "Xerneas dismiss..." Arceus says. "As you wish..." Xerneas says while teleporting away. "Zygarde report." Arceus says. "Reporting..." Zygarde says visually upset. "Xerneas informed me that you're not yourself... Why?" Arceus says.

"..." Zygarde doesn't reply. "Something tells me that it is because of that one human girl named err... who is her name?" Arceus says. "Bonnie... Bonnie is her name... H-How did you know???" Zygarde says. "I have eyes everywhere around you and the others."Arceus says.

"Let me guess... you want to go and hang out more around her?" Arceus says. "Y-Yes! She was the one person that I actually had gotten very close to! She was my... best friend." Zygarde says. "I see that very well, however you can only go with one condition!" Arceus says. Zygarde listened very closely. "You must perform your duties while traveling around her, also don't get caught if you know what I mean Squishy." Arceus says.

"Y-Yes sir! Thank you so much!" Zygarde says bowing down in happiness. "No Need for bowing down, go... you are dismissed..." Arceus says. Zygarde nods and takes his leave rushing to off to Bonnie. "Squishy... what a funny name." Arceus says to himself while chuckling a little bit.

(And done How'd you like it? Comment below.)

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