Chapter 23 - Return of the Petrifier Poacher

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash was riding his way towards Lake Acuity. "This is taking too long. I need a faster way to travel!" Ash whined. "Sorry, but the Poachers are taking on the skies, if they spot you then it's game over! Surprise them!" Arceus said.

"Good idea, but I still need a faster way to travel." Ash said. "Go over to a snow lodge I am observing right now, they have snowmobiles. You'll be traveling towards Snowpoint City closer to Lake Acuity, ask Officer Jenny to lend you help. You can't do it alone." Arceus pointed out.

Ash understood and fastened his speed on the bike as he was on a hurry. Ash petaled to the metal and quickly got to the Snow lodge where he can get a snowmobile. The problem was that... "I don't know how to operate it, I rented it, but I don't know how to use it." Ash said. "Well then! It's like a boat, but on snow or ice, not water." The receptionist explained.

"Never used a boat before too." Ash said with honesty. The receptionist sighed, "Well I don't know what to tell you now." The receptionist said. "Good luck?" Ash replied. "Maybe." He replied.

"I'll just try." Ash said. "Don't hurt yourself!" The receptionist warned him. "Yeah! Don't worry about me! I'll be fine." Ash said walking out of the lodge.

Ash got on his snowmobile. "What do I do Arc?" Ash asked. "It's like a bike, ride it!" Arceus said. "Hmm... like this?" Ash said turning on the Snowmobile. "Yeah now step on it and steer." Arceus said. "Hmm... I think I'm getting it now!" Ash said driving the Snowmobile. "Wow this is easy. How did I ever doubt myself?" Ash asked himself.

A couple of minutes later...

Ash really stepped on it, he got to Snowpoint City very quickly, "Lake Acuity, ok Arceus what's the plan?" Ash said. "Get to Officer Jenny, tell her that Poachers nearby are going to Ambush a Lake guardian at Lake Acuity and tell them that to surprise attack them when you give the order, or should I say tell you to give the order." Arceus explained.

"What about Mesprit?" Ash said. "Don't worry I told her what to do, so..." Without audio Arceus explained the plan to Ash. "Got it?" Arceus said. "Yup, let's do this..." Ash said driving his way towards Snowpoint City's Police department.

Ash got to the Police department and unmounted his vehicle to get inside the department quickly. All eyes were staring at him, he went to talk to the receptionist where Officer Jenny is at. "Hey... You're that mysterious Alpha guy? Cool! Anyways She's back there, she's getting reports of Missing Lake guardians in Lake Verity and Lake Valor." The receptionist said. "Thanks." Ash all said before trespassing into the back room.

"Hey! You can't go back her- Wait... You're that Alpha guy! Nice to meet you, I'm Officer Jenny." Officer Jenny greeted herself. "Well you already know who I am! But I need your help. I heard that the Lake guardians are missing right?" Ash said. "Yeah, but we don't have any evidence." Officer Jenny said.

"Well the evidence is... Since the two out of three is gone missing, maybe the third one is about to go missing as well? I have a boss named Arc, his job is to help both Pokemon and People. He is guiding me to tell you that I need help. My boss tracked down where the lake guardian is going to be at." Ash explained. "And you want our help?" Officer Jenny said.

"Yeah so here's the plan..." Ash said before explaining the plan. After explaining it, "Do you get it?" Ash said. "Understood! I'll call for backup." Officer Jenny said while grabbing her radio.


Officer Jenny and the other's got into place. Ash released Greninja as he told him the plan of attack, Ash also released Absol for a definite reason. "Any minute now..." Ash said as he waited. Suddenly there was a whoosh of air as something passed by for landing.

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