Chapter 66 - Time at the Cruise (Part 1)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

This chapter... takes place on Mudkip Cruise...

Mewtwo and Jolt were in the battlefield ready to battle... "Wait!" ??? said, the referee confused, "What is it?" The referee asked. "Let's make this a double battle." ??? said. "Are you okay with it? Uh... what's your name?" The referee asked.

"Let's discuss this after the match, and I'm okay with it," Mewtwo said, he glanced over at Fern watching the match from the sidelines. Fern looked confused and realized what she was getting into. She shyly walked over.

"Wow! Even a Shiny Leafeon too!" The referee said. She blushed in embarrassment, "Is it actually a shiny?" ??? said. "Well, of course it is! I think..." The referee said. "Err... let me help!" A random person said walking up to the referee, he held a book.

He looked into the book and pulled out a page of two Leafeons, one had a green color and the other darker. "Well... that proves it then," The referee said. "Can we just get to the battle please? And send out your partner!" Mewtwo said to the referee and then to ???.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry, no stalling." ??? said, he pulled out his Pokeball and threw it. Out came a Druddigon, "Wassup! Ok it was overused..." Druddigon said while scratching the back of his head embarrassingly.

"Yeah it kinda was." Stoutland said, while facepalming. "Okay! Match, begin!" The referee said while swinging down both of the flags he was carrying. "Stoutland, start this off with Fire Fang! And aim at Leafeon!" ??? said.

Creating a Fire Fang, he charged at Fern. "Jolt! Agility and follow it up with Tackle into Stoutland!" Mewtwo said. Jolt without warning boosted the speed of himself and charged at Stoutland with a Tackle attack.

With that insane speed and jab head into Stoutland's gut, it did flinch his opponent... somehow. "H-how did I flinch? That's impossible!" Stoutland said while flinching in pain. Jolt shrugs with a blank expression.

"Druddigon, get in with Dragon Claw and go for the Jolteon!" ??? said. "Yes sir!" Druddigon said, he ran over to Jolt with a Dragon Claw at hand with a swift swipe of the attack. It hit, but it hit a clone.

"Double Team?" Druddigon said. "Yeah," Multiple Jolt's said. Druddigon began sweeping the floor with them. However in the process he got zapped by a strange attack that came out of the skies. "Ah! Shocking... sorry no pun intended." Druddigon said.

"It's kinda too late for that." Jolt said as he was revealed. "Let me guess... Thunder?" Druddigon guessed. "Yes." Jolt said he Tackled into Druddigon's gut full speed. "OOF." Druddigon said while holding his gut and fell on the floor. "I think you broke my ch-" Druddigon was about to finish.

"Don't say it. It's not appropriate to say it in front of an audience." Jolt said. "Ugh, you're right..." Druddigon said, he was shocked by a Thunder. "Ah, you're annoying with your sp-" Druddigon was about to say while getting up.

"BAH!" Druddigon screamed while taking a full Solar Beam in the face from some Pokemon. Jolt goes over to look at Fern, "A-are you impressed?" Fern said shyly, "Well, one. How did you learn Solar Beam?" Jolt asked.

"Well... When I went to get medicine for your stomach ache Suicune helped showed me how to use Solar Beam." Fern whispered. "Cool." Jolt said, he felt a deadly presence from the Pokeballs in Mewtwo's belt. One thing for sure, he didn't like it.

"Uh, whoops." Jolt said to himself. "Gah! I'm finally up! What'd I miss?" Stoutland said. "Well, one thing's for sure, that Jolteon is difficult to beat." Druddigon said while holding his head in a little pain.

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