Chapter 29 - New Assistant: Hooper

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash and Calem was hanging out with the Pokemon in the garden that Magearna has been watering; and it's a very gorgeous garden, no offense Florges. Ash wanted to know what his next adventure awaits him as he takes out a phone and fake call Arceus on it.

"Arc? I finished my quest, which one is next?" Ash said. "Well... Go meet an old friend of yours, I saw how much you bonded with him. I was there to see it all happen, which I couldn't see how much he would've suffered, but you, I would've let you died if it was you only in there." Arceus said. "Thanks." Ash said sarcastically.

"Hmm? What is it Alpha? Arc gave you another quest?" Calem said. "Hmpf, yeah he did." Ash said still grumpy. "What kind?" Calem asked. "Find an old friend of his." Ash answered. "But where do we go?" Calem said. "Where ever this compass points." Ash said looking at the compass.

It points towards themselves as Ash points it anywhere, wonder why. "Hmm? We're there already?" Calem said glancing at the compass, "Yeah! Yeah! Hi Alpha-con!" ??? said hovering above Ash. "WOAH!!! Who's that Pokemon?" Calem asked confused.

"This guy here is Hooper, the Hoopa." Ash simply said giving Hoopa a nickname as he gave one to Alpha. "Hoopa? That's one I never heard of before." Calem said pulling out a Pokedex.

Hoopa the Mischief Pokemon a Psychic and Ghost Type - This troublemaker sends anything and everything to faraway places using its loop, which can warp space.

"Hey! Who is that calling me a troublemaker! I don't do those anymore!" Hoopa said. "Whoops sorry." Calem said putting away the Pokedex.

"Anyways, Arc told me to just teleport to you so things will be a little quicker. I'm gonna help you out Alpha-con!" Hoopa said with a small giggle. "Thanks, so Arc? Where am I headed off to?" Ash asked.

"You'll need to go to Hoenn, a few Team Rocket grunts are there, take them down. They stole a lot of Pokemon and sending it to their boss." Arceus explained. "Alright, understood sir." Ash said hanging up. "So what did he say?" Calem said. "Are you gonna really follow me around?" Ash said. "Yup." Calem simply said.

"Ugh, fine we're headed off to Hoenn, but we have fast travel." Ash said remembering how far Hoopa's loops go. "Got it Alpha-con! But I need to go back home after this, my family misses me!" Hoopa explained and placed a loop that leads to another dimension.

"I guess this is a bye; then, Volcanion, Magearna, Diancie, and Hoopa bye!" Ash said before heading into the portal. "Bye!" Calem said running into the portal.

"Huh, Arc do you give them breaks from time to time?" Volcanion asked. "No, but only if their Pokemon is tired." Arceus said. "Good idea. Even though I hate humans, I'd rather see them suffer than their Pokemon." Volcanion said.

Back with Ash...

Ash and Calem was in Hoopa's dimension for a while, it was a little trippy as they were falling slowly into another portal that lead somewhere else.

Somewhere with Someone...

In a Pokemon Center nearby Lilycove City, there was a girl sitting on a chair waiting for her Pokemon to be healed, she looked on the nearby TV screen that showed about the mysterious announcement made from Mr. Goodshow.

"Mr. Goodshow, what do you think about Alpha?" The host of the TV show said. "Hmm... This Alpha guy... Last time I checked his trainer profile, he didn't exist. Professor Rowan said so." Mr. Goodshow said. "So what does that mean?" The host said.

"He doesn't exist, he's probably another trainer that named himself that, but he should have a real name." Mr. Goodshow said. "So that's your theory?" The host asked. "Yes." Mr. Goodshow said. This information shocked people in the Pokemon Center, but mostly her.

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