Chapter 11 - Good and bad dreams

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash was still waiting for Arceus to respond to him.

With Arceus...

"Hello Lord Arceus." ??? says. "Please stop calling me that, I told you a couple of times, just call me Arceus, no lord or sir, just Arceus is fine." Arceus says sweat dropping. "Hehe! Sorry Lo- I mean Arceus, I'm just used to calling you Lord or Sir Arceus." ??? says. "It's okay Cresselia, anyways where is Darkrai?" Arceus asked. "I-I don't know Arceus. He was just taking a day off, because he usually wakes up in the night either scaring humans out of their sleep or fighting against other Pokemon." Cresselia says.

"Well that could be a problem... If he start dream eating dreams, then He'll probably cause a Human revolution against him. And I don't want any Pokemon or Human to hate any of us." Arceus explained. "I'll need you to go with Ash, to find Darkrai, so that you can't be captured in a Pokeball." Arceus explained. "Yes your majesty." Cresselia said while bowing. "Forgot to mention, don't call me majesty too." Arceus thought to himself.

"Yes, yes just go..." Arceus said in an annoyed tone. "Okay!" Cresselia said while giggling a little.

Back to Ash...

"When will Arceus bring me back to my original life?" Ash thought to himself. "Hello again Ash, your next mission is to stop Darkrai for accidentally making nightmares for sleeping Humans. With the help of Cresselia, she'll be here soon." Arceus explained. "Alright!" Ash said.

"Coo! (Hi Ash!)" Cresselia said joyfully flying towards Ash. "Woah slow down!" Ash said. "Coo! (Catch me!)" Cresselia said. "Ash You'll only be catching Cresselia temporarily, so you'll release her after your mission okay?" Arceus explained. "Sure thing Arceus!" Ash said.

Ash pulls out a Pokeball and taps her head with it. The ball sucked her in and beeped three times then dinged showing it was caught. "There we go. Let's get going then!" Ash said to himself.

Ash pulls out a bike from the bag, "How does that even work?" Ash said to himself. Ash rides the bike and leaves the lake to head to a direction that the compass he still held pointed. While somebody saw it all happen and was shocked.

"I-I can't believe that just happened..." ??? said shocked. "He's quite special... and how does Cresselia let him catch her?" ??? said to herself.

A few moments later...

Traveling through plains, several towns, and a port, Ash got off his bike to realize that his destination is across water. "Here we go..." Ash says. Ash looks around for nobody to spot him, then pulls out a boat from the bag somehow?

Ash is so confused right now, he has no words to describe what happened. "I gotta tell Arceus how this works... But now's not the time." Ash said to himself. Ash realized something wrong...

"Uh oh... I never used a boat before..." Ash said. "Oh... right. You're gonna need some help, I know who to help you." Arceus said. "Who?" Ash asked. "It's a secret, you'll know very soon." Arceus explained. "Okay?" Ash replied.

"Actually too soon, she's here." Arceus said. At that moment someone a boarded the boat, "Huh?" Ash checks to see who it is. Ash sees a girl his age.

"What? Bianca?" Ash said. She suddenly jumps and turns into a Latias, "Not Bianca, I never met her. But Latias know's how to use this... Human contraption." Arceus said. "It's a boat, but okay." Ash said. Latias then transforms into Bianca. Bianca (Latias) tries to lip talk telling Ash, "Let's go!" while pointing towards the direction they were going to.

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