Chapter 32 - The Plan

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash was currently on his way to where his compass is pointing which is... Mauville City. "Hey Arc! When I get there what do I do to help Deoxys?" Ash asked. "Hmm... Bring him somewhere, show him about the Pokemon world and peace." Arceus said.

"Okay, I know who to find now. Someone that knows Deoxys very well." Ash said. "Who?" Arceus said. "You'll find out." Ash replied.

Somewhere... In a conference?

There was people in the meeting conference, all of the champions and Mr. Goodshow in there. "So... report to me what has happened." Mr. Goodshow asked. "Alpha, has been making himself at home in several regions, gaining some trust." Steven said. "I saw a few disasters here and there, but some of them weren't bad, the ones that were bad, was taken care of, by Alpha of course." Lance reported. 

"Hmm... Interesting... He's helping out the People and Pokemon all together, making the job of Officer Jenny's easier. Playing hero." Mr. Goodshow said combining some evidence. "But why?" Cynthia said. "Let me guess... He's guided by his boss, Arc. We heard news from Officer Jenny in Lavaridge Town, she told us that Alpha is a fake name, Alpha's real name is still a mystery so is Arc, Arc is a short version of his real name, but what's his real name then?" Alder said to himself.

"That we shall not know, but at least there is someone helping us at making the world be at peace." Diantha said. "Settle down there, Alpha may be a mystery, but the story we're looking at is Ash, Arc said that he may be still alive." Mr. Goodshow said. "It'll be a miracle if that happened! Ash is known for participating to fight against the evil organizations! Alpha kind of reminds me of him... Huh... That's weird..." Cynthia said to herself, realizing something.

"He's pretty dense, he never gives up, has strategy and acts like Ash. Do you think that..." Alder said. "Practically impossible, we have no evidence that back that up, Ash's dead, we don't even know if Alpha is Ash." Mr. Goodshow pointed out.

"Yeah... you're right, looking at Ash's trainer profile, his goal was to achieve becoming a Pokemon Master. Which is a goal we never thought about. What if we make a tournament?" Lance said with an idea. "A tournament? Ridiculous, what will this approve of?" Mr. Goodshow said.

"If Ash will make his appearance in stage in the tournament." Lance responded with a smirk. "What if he won't?" Mr. Goodshow said. "Then Alpha will take his position." Lance said.

"Hmm..." Mr. Goodshow hummed to himself. There was a complete silence for everyone, as they thought about the tournament. "I happen to heard of a title... Pokemon Master: The strongest trainer in the world. Friends of Pokemon, one with Pokemon." Mr. Goodshow explained.

Awes were heard from the champions. "I never knew there was such a thing, I thought Ash was going to become the first Pokemon Master." Lance said. "Me too, I thought it was a myth," Steven said. "Pokemon Master... Friends of Pokemon and one with Pokemon..." Cynthia said to herself. "Wonder what that means..." Alder said. "I'm guessing it means what it said, being friends of every Pokemon and being one like them..." Diantha guessed.

"Well Mr. Goodshow what do you think of the idea?" Lance asked. "Hmm... Fine, I'll set up a tournament in Johto, Pokemon Master Tournament. All trainers can participate if they want to, this tournament will take place every year. Rules: No items are allowed to be used during battle." Mr. Goodshow explained how rules of the tournament is going to be.

Back to Ash...

Ash made it to Mauville City, he found himself walking into a small bit of trouble. There was a small fire in the city. "Oh dear, well that's unexpected." Ash said looking at where the compass is pointing at. "What did Deoxys gotten himself into..." Ash said to himself looking at the small fire in one of the buildings.

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