Chapter 14 - Rayquaza Riding

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash was going to go to his next Mission, but to only stopped by Dawn and Kenny. "Hey where are you going?" Kenny said. "Uh... To Unova!" Ash said. "Okay, then who were you talking to?" Dawn said. "Uh... Arc! He's a friend of mine, he told me to check something cool out at Unova." Ash made up. "Oh and how were you talking to him without a phone?" Dawn said. "Err... Telepathy! He used his Pokemon to Telepathically talk to me!" Ash said.

"You're strange you know? You run off wanting to avoid us sometimes, why?" Kenny said. "Well, I have not much time to lose, besides from that. Arc would kill me if I didn't do what he says!" Ash said. "Why would he kill you?" Kenny said. "Ugh this is getting pointless... What do I do?" Ash said. "I see that you are in a pickle, grab something from your bag, it's a black marble thingy." Arceus said. Ash reaches for something from his bag. He gets zapped.

"Pika! (Don't touch me!)" Pikachu said, in the bag. Kenny and Dawn looked in the bag, there was Pikachu. "Huh? This Pikachu looks familiar..." Dawn said. Suddenly one of Dawn's pokeballs open up...

"Bun? Buneary Bun!? (Huh? Pikachu... Is that you!?)" Buneary said. "Pikachu! (I don't know you!)" Pikachu panicked.

"What is it Buneary?" Dawn said. Buneary suddenly speaks and points at Pikachu saying, "That's Pikachu!" Dawn couldn't understand.

"You're saying that Pikachu looks familiar? I think so too... Hey! Who's that Pikachu?" Dawn said. "Pikachu get in the bag! (Sorry)" Ash said getting up. "Pika! Pikachu (Thanks! Anywhere except near her.)" Pikachu said panicking.

Ash grabs the black marbles. "Good now think of where you want to go... and throw them below you." Arceus said.

"You better answer us Alpha! You're getting too suspicious!" Kenny said. "..." Ash was silent.

Ash then threw the marbles at the floor beneath him. It blew up below him creating smoke, Ash was blinded so was Pikachu in the bag. Kenny and Dawn coughed from the smoke, and closed their eyes for a second to see Alpha gone, like he vanished. "Where'd he go?" Dawn said.

Back to Ash...

Ash was coughing, he then took a look at where he was. He was at Castelia City. Ash thought about the Ice cream there so he teleported in front of the stand, luckily no one was looking at Ash when he appeared... Except one person. When he did, he woke up the person that was selling Ice cream. 

Ash looks around to see a lot of random people, what surprised him was that he saw Cynthia in front of him. "Oh hello there? How did you get here?" Cynthia said. Ash was a little startled at first, then he ran away. "Huh... that was weird." Cynthia said. Ash ran down the alley where no one lurked.

"Phew... Arc?! What happened?" Ash said. "Well... I forgot to tell you that those weren't marbles, they were smoke bombs, but it is infused with the power of teleport so it now has the ability to teleport you if you get caught in it." Arceus said. "Oh... you made them yourself?" Ash said.

"No, Mewtwo did, he likes experiments, after Humans experimented on him, he experimented on Humans for revenge." Arceus said. Ash's spine was shivered.

"Pika! Pika? (My heart beated a little after the teleport, What was that?)" Pikachu said. "Oh yeah, teleport can hurt you sometimes." Arceus said. "Pika (Ouch then.)" Pikachu said.

"Where do I go Arceus?" Ash said. "If you're in Castelia City, then you're pretty far away. You should go to Skyarrow Bridge, I told a certain Pokemon to help you on your way to the Mission." Arceus said. "Alright, alright I'll get going, again... But when do I get a break?" Ash said.

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