Chapter 60 - Pyukumuku Chuckin'

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(I don't own Pokemon or it's Company, also Gamefreak.)


Ash won in a close game as it was 4 - 5 points. "Phew! That was a real workout!" Ash said. "Yeah it was! It was also fun!" Cynthia said. Diantha chuckled, Both Vixen and Elio drooled as they stared at the two ladies.

They felt a sudden glare from somewhere else. They tilted their heads towards the glare, a dark glare was created by Steven staring angrily at them. Elio and Vixen sweated as they backed up.

Steven took a look over to Alpha, Ash waved over to Steven and swam towards him. "Hey! Steven, are you looking for me or you were finding a resort?" Ash asked. "Both, anyways... 'Alpha' one day you're gonna have to reveal your true identity." Steven said.

"I know." Ash said in a serious tone. "Hmm... you understand now. Who else do you have contact with? With the exception of this so called Arc." Steven said. "Not much, I do have friends though, does that count?" Ash said.

"Well... no, they have to be involved with your so called... company?" Steven said. "It's more like Arc is guiding me to help others like a specialized cop, sometimes it's just missions." Ash said.

"Hmm... that makes sense." Steven said. "Anyways, I have to go do something." Ash said, he walked away. "Wait! Can I come with you?" Steven said. "Sure." Ash said.


Ash and Steven were outside and near Paradise Resort. "I need to call my boss." Ash said while pulling out a phone, fakely calling to his boss. "I know your situation Ash, let me talk to Steven." Arceus said.

"Hey, my boss wants to speak with you Steven." Ash said while handing the phone to Steven. Steven took a deep breath as he was about to confront with someone he doesn't know of, he felt a little intimidated.

Steven took the phone and put it near his ear. "Yes hello?" Steven said. Arceus had to use a phone while he turned into his human form, so it didn't look so suspicious. "Hi there, so you're that Steven champion that keeps following my friend here around eh?" Arceus said in an intimidating tone.

Steven felt a little intimidated, "Can I chat with you more?" Steven said. "No, not much I don't like answering questions. Hmm... But... You can help Alpha do his mission I sent him on, will you?" Arceus answered.

"Um... sure. What is this mission?" Steven said. "I've already informed Alpha about it. So I'll explain, Pyukumuku are sorta... stuck around the beach area, mind if you help throw them into the ocean again?" Arceus said.

"Sounds easy." Steven replied. "Is easy because you're on your first mission." Arceus retorted. "Got it?" Arceus said. "Yeah." Steven said in a calm tone. Arceus ended the call immediately.

Steven confused, gave back the phone. "What was that about?" Steven asked. "If you say that... He probably went to go through his Pokemon friends causing trouble around his workplace." Ash said.

"Hmm... I guess that makes sense. Let's get started shall we?" Steven said. "Okay!" Ash said. Both ran off towards the nearest beach in Akala.


A certain Kahuna was still relaxing in the pool. There was still people here, a kid was swimming in the pool while swimming with a rubber Ducklett.

"Olivia, where's your boyfriend?" The lady said while approaching her. "First of all he's not my boyfriend I never considered him as one. And second, he left which I'm kinda glad." Olivia said.

"But I was gonna ship you!" The lady said. Olivia confused, "Wha-" Olivia was about to say, but was interrupted. "Don't ask please." The lady quickly said.

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