Chapter 33 - Maximum Power

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash was already on his way to Somewhere, he didn't have to look at the compass to know where to go, he's already on his way to there. "Just where are you going mister?" Arceus said. "Somewhere you'll know, one of my friends knows how to cheer a pal like this one." Ash said while running.

"Okay, better impress me when you're done." Arceus said with his arms crossed, but didn't have any arms. "I will trust me." Ash said.

Ash arrived to Petalburg City. "Why are you here? To meet your friend? I'll take all your progress back." Arceus said. "Hold on Arc! My friend can help me cheer this guy up." Ash said. "Alright just don't interact too long, I was okay when you were interacting with Serena, cause I wanted to see if things will work out between you two..." Arceus explained.

"What do you mean by that?" Ash said. "Just forget it, just go!" Arceus said a little triggered while he stomped on the floor once in the Hall of Origin. "Okay! Okay!" Ash said hurrying up.

Ash made it to Petalburg gym, he can hear someone crying in the window a little. Ash went to go look through it, he could see May lying on the bed, crying. "Ash... I can't believe it still..." May said holding the half ribbon to her heart. Ash was heartbroken by the sounds of sadness from his friend.

Still dense though. "I feel like such a terrible person, I've regret this, even if I show myself to the world I bet she wouldn't forgive me for lying to her." Ash thought to himself holding his head that is filled with horrific thoughts.

"Arc! I want my normal life back. At any costs, I'll do anything, I don't want any of my friends to suffer like this!" Ash whispered to Arceus. 

"Find a way to show your identity to the real world without having to do it to each region. If she is angry at you because of me which she won't know about me at all, don't worry about it, she'll forgive you. But she'll be mad though and they'll always get over it." Arceus said.

"Can I tell them your identity?" Ash said. "Sure just keep it a secret because you don't know how to enter the Hall of Origin so it's okay." Arceus said. "Thanks, I'm a go finish this mission." Ash said.

Ash walked up to the door of the gym and knocked on it several times gently. The door opened slowly revealing a man. "Oh hello there challenger! Sorry, but the gym is closed today. Come back tomorrow..." ??? said.

"Oh excuse me Norman, but is Max here? I'm Alpha." Ash said. A small moment of thought until, "Alpha? Oh you're very welcome! But why do you want to see Max?" Norman asked. "Actually tell him to come outside for a second, I have something for him." Ash said.

"Oh, okay. Max! Alpha's here! He wants to give you something!" Norman said. All at once, Max and May blasted through their room doors quickly going outside to meet Alpha. Both fell flat on the floor outside.

Norman laughs, "You should be more careful kids!" Norman said with a smile. "Anyways, what kind of work do you do at your mysterious company?" Norman said. "The company doesn't exist, but my boss loves superheros so he made me one sorta by giving me some of his tech." Ash lied.

"Wow! That's pretty cool! Can you show my son?" Norman said. "Yes! Show us please!" Max said getting up from the floor, "No sorry, but first, I'm delivering this to you, you'll make best of friends. Also don't do anything bad to him, my boss won't like it." Ash said giving a Master Ball to Max.

"Whoa! What's in it exactly?" Max said shocked, but now confused. "You'll see if you release it. I'll watch so I wouldn't be suspicious." Ash said so he can make it fair. "Okay... Let's go!" Max said releasing out a friend of his.

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