Chapter 34 - Catching new Allies

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

The outcome of the results of the battle Ash and Vixon went to a draw as soon as Future Sight at the end landed on Lucario knocking him out as he threw an Aura Sphere at Absol landing a super effective blow.

"Man, that was a close battle! Sadly we drawed. Anyways, your Absol has a great move, Future Sight, even though it wasn't perfectly timed it did it's work!" Vixon applauded. "You too! Your Lucario is pretty strong!" Ash admitted. "Yeah I know, I train him a few times, we get a break so we don't stress out." Vixon said.

"That's a pretty good idea. Maybe I'll do it as well, my Pokemon are kinda tired, I'll go to Nurse Joy so she can heal my Pokemon." Ash suggested. "Hey! That's a good idea! Let's go!" Vixon said with a smile.

After healing up...

Ash and Vixon headed outside of the ship it was a beautiful sunset, "It's getting night time, I think we should find our rooms, I'm in room 205. Yours?" Ash said. "204, wow! We're really close together!" Vixon replied.

"Yeah we are, anyways... I gotta go to sleep, I haven't slept in like 16 hours ago, last time before that I barely got any sleep afterwards..." Ash said while yawning a couple of times. "Why push yourself too much?" Vixon asked.

"Honestly I don't it's my boss that pushes my limit, but at least he gives me some coffee." Ash said. "Wow sounds like a terrible boss you have," Vixon said. "Nah, at least I get some attention by being famous." Ash said.

Vixon nods, "Oh yeah I get it," Ash walks off to his room to take a nap.

Next day...

Ash woke up in the middle of the morning, he sees a note on the bed. "Let's train! Come meet me at the battlefield from yesterday!" The note said. It was from Vixon Vail.

Ash went to the battlefield to see Vixon Vail there, he turned around like he knew Ash was there, "Hello Alpha, you know what the note said so let's have another one on one!" Vixon said.

"Alright! Lucario let's go!" Ash said releasing Lucario. "Yay some action." Lucario said through telepathy. "Wow! Your Lucario can talk?" Vixon said with stars in his eyes. "No, he can use telepathy though which is awesome." Ash said.

"Cool! Anyways, Let's go Blaziken!" Vixon said. Blaziken came out of his Pokeball in flames, he then blew the flames away with his arm acting cool. "Blaze (Prepare yourself.)" Blaziken said.

"You look strong, but type disadvantage isn't gonna let you win this one!" Lucario said. "Blaziken! (We'll see about that!)" Blaziken said.

"Blaziken! Start off with Blaze Kick!" Vixon called out. "Lucario! Prepare yourself!" Ash said. "You know what to do..." Ash thought to himself. Lucario read his thoughts. "Yeah." Lucario said.

Lucario waited til the Blaziken was closer and used Counter. Using this move Lucario dodged to the side and uppercutted Blaziken backwards to his original spot. "What?!" Vixon said. "Like that move? It's called Counter." Ash said. 

"Grr! Blaziken! Use Focus Punch!" Vixon commanded as well. "Lucario! Aura Sphere!" Ash called out. Lucario launched an Aura Sphere towards Blaziken, "Try tactic #3!" Vixon said. Blaziken nodded and punched the Aura Sphere back towards Lucario in a fast ball.

"Bone Rush!" Ash called out. Lucario brought out a bone and smacked the Aura Sphere back towards Blaziken hitting the ball upwards. "Blaziken, return it!" Vixon said. Blaziken hit it back upwards again towards Lucario.

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