Chapter 67 - Time at the Cruise (Part 2)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Bowe was still having an argument with Jolt, Jolt didn't want to mess up his relationship as friends, just friends; with Bowe. "Well... you want a real compliment?" Jolt said. Bowe sniffed, "Yeah!" Bowe said angrily, wow she was crying, was a real shocker to Jolt, no pun intended.

"You're beautiful, because your a Sylveon, and you have nice looks however... your elegancy is astonishing that people and Pokemon wouldn't want to look away; also, in the inside you're still beautiful, even if there was a little ugly in the outside, to me you're still beautiful, that goes for all of you. Also come out Mewtwo." Jolt explained while catching his breath.

"How did you know?" Mewtwo asked, and was surprised "I saw your shoes, and remembered it, in human form." Jolt said, "My shoes? Hmm... that reminds me... remember that time you complimented that Jolteon in the clothes booth?" Mewtwo said.

"Uh yeah?" Jolt said, in concern. "She wants to join in on the party, so I brought her here unnoticed." Mewtwo said, while also bringing in an extra Jolteon in the dress room. "Hi! I believe you already know my name." ??? said.

"I don't, and I don't like where this is going." Bowe said while glaring at Jolt. "Well, I'll introduce her to you, her name is Spark." Jolt said. "It is a real pleasure seeing you Jolt! I hope... that... we... can... get... along?" Spark said shyly while blushing.

"Of course we can! Right Bowe?" Jolt said. "Are you two or more done in that dressing room? Others were trying to use one." A store manager said. "Oh sorry!" Mewtwo said while poking his head out of the curtains.

Mewtwo came out of there and explained the situation. "Hmm... I see, it's all fine now, just please don't keep other people waiting," The store manager said. "Thank you sir." Mewtwo said with a bow. "Did this guy trained to be this polite?" The store manager thought to himself with a sweat drop.

"C'mon, let's purchase that pink ribbon you want so badly and get out of this store, besides from that your time was up." Mewtwo said as he gestured a "hurry up" and "let's go" with his hands. They nodded and understood.

Mewtwo hurried up to the register and purchased the pink ribbon that costed 2000 yen. He also used the money from a bank account under the name of Hoopa. "Thank you sir, have a good day." The store manager said. "You're welcome." Mewtwo replied.

Mewtwo and the three Pokemon left the store with their souvenir. "Bowe mind putting this on yourself?" Mewtwo said. Bowe did what he asked, no questions or words. It's like she had an extra bow, however it's pink.

"H-how do I look?" Bowe asked Jolt. "Very okay, I mean. Like a Sylveon that grew an extra Bow. However, I liked it better when you had two bows with four ribbons." Jolt spoke honestly. Bowe realized this, she took off the Pink ribbon off of her right ear.

"I'll treasure this for my life." Bowe said with a blush and a very wide smile. She was returned by the ball. "Well, well, well Jolt. You've made many friends. Let's just go." Mewtwo said. "I would like to go to a clothes store." Spark said with a smile. "That's fine with me." Jolt said.

"Two Jolteons? Wow!" "They look lovely together!" "What style, I'm jealous." Some other Pokemon said while they were walking with their trainers. "I think we're getting enough attention. C'mon let's go." Mewtwo said.


I mean it wasn't that far, it was like three stores away to a clothes store. Spark immediately walked into the clothes store and picked out a lot of clothes to wear, well she did say she loved to play dress up.

"I'm so dead." Mewtwo said to himself, he knew the consequences of using Hoopa's bank account or his dimension of pure gold and yen. In the dressing room again, but a different store.

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