Chapter 55 - Z-crystal Collecting (Part 3)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash arrived... In Brooklet Hill. "Made it," Ash said to himself. "Hey you there!" ??? said. Ash turned to look at the man, he just remembered who he was, it was that guy that said he got scars from his battle against the totem Pokemon here.

"Hello there, yes I am challenging this trial." Ash said. "Oh you are? Well you need a boat then, also a rod." The old man said. "Don't worry I got one." Ash said, he pulled out a golden rod. Ash remembered how he got it, Arc lended it to him on the way.

"Whoa what a nice rod!" The old man said satisfied. "Thanks, but I do need a boat, can you lend me one?" Ash asked. "Sure." The old man replied.


Ash got his boat, it was worned out, totally used too much; however it is still useful. Ash inhales and exhales, "I remember what to do now." Ash said to himself, he rowed the boat towards the deeper waters of Brooklet Hill.

"Good spot," Ash said to himself. "Warning! I can sense your foe, let me have at it!" Lucario said through the Pokeball. "Can you swim?" Ash said while preparing to swing the rod. "N-no..." Lucario said nervously embarrassed. "Okay then." Ash said as he swung the rod towards the water.

"I thought it through, Primarina it's show time!" Ash said while throwing a Pokeball. "Hello master what can I do you for?" Primarina asked. "Wait here, I'm using you for a fight against a powerful foe in the water." Ash explained.

"Understood master." Primarina said while bowing down. "Please don't call me that again." Ash said. The rod began to shake as something grabbed on it. "You're doing good!" The old man cheered. "Thanks." Ash said while pulling the rod back.

Ash pulled the line in really slowly and carefully. "Go in!" Ash said. Primarina jumped in the water and found it's opponent. It was really big, "Hello sir, shall we dance?" Primarina said, the opponent growled at her.

In a few seconds in the surface, there was a shower of attacks that blasted Ash's catch. Something jumped up from the water, it was huge, it was... Wishiwashi. "Ah so we meet again." Ash said.

"Primarina! Moonblast!" Ash called out. Primarina shot a Moonblast in mid-air that landed directly on Wishiwashi, "Uff! That hurt!" Wishiwashi said while trying to swim away. Ash still holding on to the rod was carried off with the boat across the water.

"AH!" Ash screamed as he was being dragged with the Wishiwashi. "This looks bad! Primarina! Use another Moonblast! Add it with Hydro Pump!" Ash called out. Primarina listened to his advice and did what he said.

Primarina mixed her attack underwater towards Wishiwashi which both attacks landed perfectly on the Totem Pokemon because he was a big foe. "Uff! Again!" Wishiwashi growled. Primarina giggled and looked at him with a wink.

A moment of silence... "NOPE." Wishiwashi said avoiding her and swimming away. "He's heavy!" Ash said. "Just gotta do the thing huh?" Ash said to himself. "Take him by surprise!" The old man said cheering him.

Ash nodded, he was headed towards an Island. Primarina got on board. "This'll bring back memories. Primarina! Fire a Hydro Pump upwards and forwards!" Ash said. "Are you sure sir?" Primarina said.

"Yes." Ash said with a confident smile. Primarina on timing she fired a Hydro Pump behind Ash which launched him forwards to the Island, giving Ash more mobility as he landed perfectly onto the Island a head.

"Good gracious! That was risky!" The old man pointed out. "Alright! Sparkling Aria!" Ash shouted in confidence. Ash grunted as he used his strength to pull the rod upwards really hard. 

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