Chapter 18 - Boarding The Storm (Part 1)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash was outside and approached the Mountain, "Huh now what do I do?" Ash said. "You know how to climb right?" Arceus asked. "Well yeah! I use my hands right?" Ash answered. "No, that's too dangerous, you have to use climbing gear." Arceus said. "I never used climbing gear before teach me." Ash said.

"Well I never climbed before because I can fly, but I saw other humans climb and I can tell you what they did." Arceus said. "Teach me anyways I don't want to die again." Ash said. "If you insist..." Arceus said, then Explained what to do.

After a couple of lessons...

"I think I got it." Ash said getting 5 feet off of the mountain wearing climbing gear from the bag.. "Great, now I need to do some business, but if I could, I can find you another Mission for me." Arceus said. "Nice, more work." Ash said sarcastically. "Sorry, but what makes you feel better you're last mission(s) are gonna be at Alola." Arceus said. "Thanks." Ash said.

After a couple of hours...

It was noon... there was a small storm that was building up. "Huh... A storm's brewing." Ash said to himself while climbing up. He took several breaks from the climb, 75-80% almost there.

"Cut! We need to take a break, a storm is stirring up." A familiar voice said. "Hmm? That voice... It's sounds familiar..." Ash thought to himself. Ash turns to the direction of the person.

"Luke?" Ash thought to himself, "We'll try and finish Boarding The Storm Movie tomorrow." Luke said to his Pokemon, "Zorua! (Okay!)" Zorua said. Luke's Zorua was wearing a sweater so was Luke. "G-g-golurk! (B-b-brr! I'm Stone cold!)" Golurk said freezing in the wind.

Ash continues to progress, on his way to the top, he made it to the top. Ash looks forward to see a Pokemon stand on the top of the snowy cold mountain. The Pokemon looked behind like it sensed Ash there from the very beginning, it was a Lucario.

"State your business..." Lucario telepathically said to him, "Cool telepathy, anyways... I am here on a special mission stopping Team Plasma." Ash said with an honest answer. "Hmm? Going against Team Plasma? Alone? Then you must be really brave and strong, I've been waiting for a strong opponent to fight against, either a trainer's pokemon or wild one. Bring out your strongest, and I'll fight him." Lucario stated and explained.

"Sure, Come on out Greninja!" Ash said, he knew Greninja had a disadvantage, but somehow he knew he could pull it off. Greninja came out of his Pokeball opening his eyes staring at his opponent. "Hmm? Your strongest? A little bit of a disadvantage you have." Lucario said with a smug look and a shrug.

"Gren! Greninja! (Hey! Don't judge me!)" Greninja said ticked off of Lucario's overconfidence. "Heh I have an advantage, let's see how strong your Pokemon is..." Lucario said before getting interrupted by a Water Shuriken, "Hey! That's not nice! If it's a duel ye want, then it's a duel ye shall have!" Lucario yelled bringing out a Bone Rush and pointing at Greninja.

"Gren! (Fine!)" Greninja said pulling out a Cut, but his Cut looked a little different this time, it was purple. "Huh... I guess you learned Night Slash... but that doesn't mean you'll win!" Lucario said. "Hey! You learned Night Slash! That's awesome!" Ash said to Greninja. Greninja replied with "Thanks."

There was a silence between Greninja and Lucario, they were about to fight it off.

"En garde!" Lucario said holding his Bone Rush one handed pointing at Greninja. "Gren! (Charge!)" Greninja said doing the same pointing his Night Slash at Lucario. Greninja and Lucario charged at each other dodging attacks and striking some. However... Someone else was watching the fight...

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