Chapter 38 - Having a ball (Part 2)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

The ball wasn't much, most of the workers in Aether Paradise was there; and there was Ash and his friends. "So Alpha, I heard that your Trainer's profile doesn't exist. Why?" Kiawe asked. "Well... My profile doesn't exist because Alpha isn't my real name, but I can't tell, my boss will kill me; so I work undercover." Ash pointed out.

"Oh, well then what's your starter?" Sophocles asked. "Uh oh, here we go. Sorry buddy." Ash thought to himself as he pulled out his bag and shook it several times. "C'mon buddy, my pal is..." Ash said as he waits for Pikachu to come out of the bag.

Pikachu hopped out a little tired and annoyed. "Pika, Pika. (Why wake me up? I'm tired." Pikachu said yawning. Ash glared at Pikachu, "You've been sleeping for most of my journey so far, so why are you tired? You didn't even do that much yet, sometimes help me." Ash said.

"Pika... (True...)" Pikachu said while feeling a little bad about himself. "Anyways, my buddy Pikachu is my starter, he kinda just came to me when we met," Ash lied. "Oh really? That's kinda funny, my friend Ash had a starter and it was Pikachu." Kiawe said.

Kiawe glared at Sophocles as if telling him to do something, Sophocles understood his glare and pulled out a Pokeball and released her. "Toge? Togemaru? (Huh? Why do you look so familiar?)" Togemaru said while looking at Pikachu.

Pikachu paled a little, preparing to run away. Togemaru recognizes him, and happily rolls towards him quickly. "THIS IS A BAD IDEA!!!" Pikachu thinks to himself while running away into the bag. Togemaru follows, chaos happened.

Togemaru rolled into the bag Pokeballs flew everywhere, one of them opened, luckily it was Mew, she was in an Eevee transformation. "Eevee! (Hi!)" Mew said while looking around confused. "Eevee? (What happened?)" Mew said tilting her head in confusion.

"Pikachu! (Help me!)" Pikachu said while he was getting smuggled into Togemaru's arms. "Pika! (ACK!)" Pikachu said while getting stabbed by Togemaru's spikes. "Toge! (Pikachu!)" Togemaru said while trapping him in her arms.

Mew helped Pikachu because he looked in pain by using Psychic to pull Togemaru away. "Eevee! (Sorry!)" Mew said while throwing her off of Pikachu. "Pika... (Thanks...)" Pikachu said while recovering from Togemaru.

Togemaru recovered by being thrown, she pouted at Pikachu. "Toge! Togemaru Toge! (Hmpf! Don't you remember me Pikachu!" Togemaru said while pouting angrily at Pikachu. "Pika Pikachu Pi (Sorry, you're not familiar, I may resemble your friend I just look better than him.)" Pikachu said scratching his back.

Togemaru again became sad as she went back into her Pokeball. "Wow Alpha! I never knew you had an Eevee! You know I know a guy that has an Eevee, but I don't remember if Eevee can use Psychic. Interesting..." Sophocles said while holding his chin in confusion.

"Well this particular Eevee is special to me, she's adorable." Ash said while holding her. Eevee purred and nuzzled Ash. "Wow! She's so cute! Can I hold her?" Mallow asked. "Sure, if she's fine with it." Ash replied.

Eevee responded in a yes, "I'll take that as a yes, here you go, be gentle." Ash said. "Okay." Mallow replied while holding her. "Oh! She's so fluffy!" Mallow said while hugging her gently. Eevee enjoyed their reaction to something adorable like herself.

"Can I try?" Lana said shyly. "Sure! If you do so kindly." Ash asked Mallow. "Okay here! We should share!" Mallow said. "Yay!" Lana said while holding her. "Eevee! (I'm not a toy! But I'm fine with it." Mew said while being nuzzled by Lana.

Ash smiled at the two, Prof. Kukui and Burnet approached Ash. "Hello Alpha, how've you been doing?" Kukui asked. "Fine, could've done better if I'm finally off, I'm only here so I can protect everyone here." Ash said.

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