Chapter 8 - A Latias in despair

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company also Gamefreak.)

After what has happened today Kyogre and Groudon apologized for it's attempt of murdering Team Magma and Aqua. However everyone knows who should be apologizing...

Team Magma and Aqua themselves. They forgave Kyogre and Groudon then they did the same too. Everyone had a happy ending kind of...

Ash told Team Magma that the reason why he joined was because he wanted to rescue Kyogre, but how did he know? He just said that the Champions told him to rescue Kyogre.

Kyogre then leaves into the Ocean, while Groudon went sleeping back in the Volcano.

Ash then says bye to everyone, Courtney was disappointed to realize he didn't want to actually join them so she went back to liking Maxie. While Max and May quit Team Magma, their reason was that they were following on Alpha's foot steps of being a Pokemon Master, Max also came up with that.

Ash was contacting Arceus. "Hey Arceus what's my next Mission?" Ash says. "First I kinda forgot to tell you that Manaphy joined you to help you out so can you do me a favor and release him back into the Ocean." Arceus says. "Oh sure!" Ash says.

Ash then walks to a nearby Beach and releases Manaphy. "I guess this is bye right?" Manaphy says. "I guess so, you can find May your mama again." Ash says.

"Wait... How did he know about me???" May says. May and Max was spying on him, they were planing to release Manaphy by taking him down. "I don't know, but at least he's releasing him." Max says.

"See you around my friend..." Ash says as he waves bye to Manaphy. "Bye Alpha!" Manaphy says.

"Maybe that just proves he isn't Ash then..." May says. "Yes it should. Now I have to follow his footsteps and I can't do it alone I need you sis." Max says. "Aw... You mean it?" May says. "Yes I do, you are the best sister I've had." Max says. "Oh Max..." May says hugging him.

Ash headed out to his next mission, which was to revive Latios, Latias' Brother. "So which way is the quickest way to Altomare?" Ash says. "The quickest way to Altomare is heading towards it directly." Arceus says.

"But how?" Ash says. "Water skiing there with a Water type Pokemon." Arceus says. "I don't have any Water type Pokemon though." Ash says. "I'll call Mantine to help you." Arceus says.

"There he should be arriving in no time. Oh look he's here." Arceus says. "Mantine! (Hey how's it going!)" Mantine says. "Okay let's get this over with." Ash says.

Ash pulls out ski gear from the bag Arceus gave him, "Wow it does contain a load of useful things." Ash complimented.

Ash geared up and skiied across the Ocean towards Altomare.


Ash got to Altomare quicker than he thought, maybe Arceus got the fastest Mantine.

"Made it Arceus, now how do I get to the Secret Garden Arceus?" Ash says. "You should head down that alley and walk into that blue colored wall." Arceus says. "Okay." Ash replied.

Ash then walks through the alley and walks into the wall. Ash was blinded by light as he entered the garden. The view was beautiful it was full of Pokemon having a good time.

In the Secret Garden had a Mansion with a balcony, on that balcony there was a Pokemon in distress.

"Coo... (I guess there is no hope to see my brother...)" ??? says while frowning. She then sees an intruder approaching, "Coo! (Uh oh! Gotta tell Bianca!)" ??? says while leaving to warn Bianca.

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