Chapter 53 - Trouble at the beach

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(I don't own Pokemon or it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash and his classmates were headed towards the beach. "I guess we're hanging out?" Ash said. "Yes, where were you headed?" Kiawe asked. "I was gonna go to Akala Island, to do the Trial and Grand Trial." Ash planned.

"That sounds like a good start for you. Come by my family's farm over at Akala Island anytime you want." Kiawe said. "Thanks!" Ash said. "We've made it to the beach I just realized." Sophocles said pointing towards all of the actions on the beach.

Water Balloon Volleyball, Surfing, people sunbathing, all sorts of stuff. "C'mon let's go!" Lana said. "Alright!" Sophocles said heading down to the beach. The rest followed, Ash stayed behind.

"Arc, you there?" Ash said. "Yes. What is it?" Arceus said. "Can you do me a favor and ask..." Ash explained the rest for Arceus inaudible. "Hmm... I like that idea, always love a good reaction. Take the camera out, it'll do." Arceus said.

Ash took out the camera. "Don't worry about timing, he knows when." Arceus said. Ash nodded, he caught up to his friends saying, "Wait up!" Ash said.

His friends turned around to find Alpha carrying a camera with him. "Oh cool! Where'd you get that camera from?" Sophocles said. "Well, it's a gift from my boss. Wanna have a photo?" Ash said. 

"Sure! Can you join us as well?" Kiawe asked. "No, I'm pretty sure that this doesn't time itself from snapping a photo." Ash said. "Oh well... but don't worry I'll snap a perfect photo for you by yourself or with me." Kiawe said.

"Sure." Ash said while preparing the lens for the camera. "Ready?" Ash said while aiming the camera at his friends. "Yeah!" They replied. "Okay, 3, 2, 1..." Ash said while preparing to snap a photo.

A two Pokemon jumped up from the water and was caught in the photo when Ash snapped it. "Done!" Ash said. A humongous splash was heard behind Ash's classmates. They turned around to see it.

Instead they saw a huge wave that engulfed them. They all were shocked and now unsatisfied, however laughed as they didn't expect this to happen. For some reason the people were shocked, very shocked.

"Huh? Why is everyone shocked?" Sophocles said. "Did we miss something?" Lana said. Ash was shocked, but acting like he was shocked. "You guys better come and see this." Ash said while gesturing them to look at the picture.

It was a great picture of all of Ash's friends, however something was caught in the photo other than the ocean and the beach. There was Kyogre and Lugia that jumped up high into the air in the background they were posing.

"Good job Ash; Kyogre and Lugia was dying to have a picture taken, so I made him part of that photo." Arceus said. "No problem..." Ash thought to himself. Ash's friends were over beyond shocked.

Lana was insanely shocked by this. "Kyogre! And Lugia!" Lana exclaimed in joy. "Even though Lugia isn't a water type, it lives in it." Lana explained. "Wow! I didn't expect this!" Kiawe said. "This is just shocking!" Lillie said.

A certain someone was approaching Ash and his friends. Ash sensed him and looked behind him. "Oh hi Gladion!" Ash said. "You saw that right?" Gladion said. "Yeah, and?" Ash said acting a little serious.

"Originally... Kyogre isn't supposed to be here, so is Lugia. This is strange..." Gladion said. "Oh I forgot!" Ash said, he pulled out three photos which were all the same, it was a photo of Ash's friends with Lugia and Kyogre.

"I snapped at least 3 photos. My boss will love this one." Ash said picking the best one. "Here you go guys." Ash said while handing them the photo. "You can keep it." Ash said. "But why are you being so nice to us? Shouldn't we do the same?" Lillie said.

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