Chapter 13 - Eevee Fundraiser Donation

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Bianca (Latias) is using the boat that the Grunts used. "I want to know if I am stealing, this or borrowing it?" Ash said. "It's alright if you steal it, because it belongs to villians and now you're using it for the greater good! Or Latias is using it." Arceus says.

"Oh I guess that makes sense..." Ash replied while Latias smiles at Ash. Pikachu and Mew were playing on the boat. While Greninja and Absol was talking about something about their dark type times.

After hours later, Ash's Pokemon were tired, and Bianca was a little tired. Ash peeks into the compass, it pointed towards land. "Ah! Land!" Ash said pointing towards the land. "I should tell you that you can find your destination over by... Eternia City! There is a donation for Eevee's that lost their homes, now creating a new Home for Eevee's in Eternia City." Arceus said.

"Wait... How did you know that?" Ash said. "Hey, I keep track of every region just in case if there is any danger, sometimes it can be handled easily by Humans like you that want to play hero." Arceus said.

A few moments later...

Ash arrived on the land and with returning all of his Pokemon back into their Pokeballs, he thanked Latias for the ride then she flew off back to Altomare. It only takes her a couple of minutes for her to get to Altomare and to Ash.

Ash started heading off to Eternia City until... "Hey Alpha!" ??? says. "Huh? Oh it's just you Kenny..." Ash said. "Wanna have a battle? It only been... A day since our first one!" Kenny said. "Nah not right now, Where's Dawn?" Ash said. "Oh... She and I went on Separate paths, there's gonna be a Contest over at Eternia City wanna come watch?" Kenny said. "Oh you're heading there? I was heading over there too!" Ask said. "Oh really? Cool! We should travel together!" Kenny said. "Great idea!" Ash says. "Even though it's quite risky trying not to reveal myself in front of him." Ash thought to himself.

A couple of minutes of walking, "Hey Alpha, What is your goal?" Kenny asked. "Oh! It's to become a Pokemon Master!" Ash said. Suddenly Kenny's face went to sad. "Oh... that's a cool goal." Kenny said. Ash recognized this and realized that he is still dead.

"Is there anything wrong? Please, tell me." Ash said. "W-well... It's kinda sad..." Kenny said. "It's alright I've heard worse." Ash said. "Well... Our friend died two days ago. "It's quite sadistic ya know?" Kenny said while crying a little. "What was his name?" Ash said, even though he knew. "His name... was Ash, Ash Ketchum. He may be dense, but still he's a great friend. Everyone he knew he helped everyone get closer to their goals in life, but he never got his." Kenny said with a frown. Ash felt a little sad. "My death caused a lot of my friends to give up." Ash thought to himself.

"Hey I know that Ash guy... He's that amazing guy that came close to winning the league, but lost, he said that his dream was to become a Pokemon Master, and his other quote, 'Never give up till the end.'" Alpha said. "Huh... You know a lot about Ash huh. When did you follow him?" Kenny said. "I followed in his footsteps when I was about 8 years old." Ash said.

"Anyways Kenny, is Dawn at Eternia City to do the Pokemon Contest?" Ash said. "I don't know, I'm probably guessing 100% she's there." Kenny said.

"Huh?" Kenny was very confused.

Ash brought out two Bikes for Kenny and him. "Here ride this. You can keep it if you want." Ash said. "What? How did you pull out two bikes from nowhere?" Kenny asked. "That's a secret." Ash said. "Ooh fine." Kenny pouted before getting on his bike to ride towards Eternia City.

"Last one's there is a rotten Execute!" Ash says. "Hey!" Kenny said while smiling. "It's nice to see old friends smile again." Ash thought to himself.

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