Chapter 20 - Boarding The Storm (Part 3 - Finale)

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(I don't own Pokemon and It's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash was about to go into a battle against Phaux. "Ready to get pummeled?" Phaux said. "I think you meant yourself." Ash said. "Grr! You wish! Druddigon use Dragon Claw!" Phaux called out. Druddigon charged towards Lucario slowly. "Lucario wait... Now! Use Counter!" Ash called out.

Lucario dodged Dragon Claw as he stepped aside and struck his fist at Druddigons gut really hard. Druddigon backed up a little bit, "Ugh! Druddigon now go for a Dragon Pulse!" Phaux said. Druddigon prepared a Dragon Pulse and threw the Dragon Pulse ball towards Lucario's direction.

"Lucario! Use Bone Rush to reflect the Dragon Pulse!" Ash said. Lucario pulled out a Bone Rush from his side like a sword and whacked the Dragon Pulse back towards Druddigon with a curve ball. Druddigon was slow to react as the Dragon Pulse landed on his face knocking him out.

"Grr! Should've seen that coming..." Phaux said while returning his fainted Druddigon. "Now go Stoutland!" Phaux said while throwing his Pokeball revealing Stoutland. "I'll let Lucario stand by." Ash said.

"Stoutland! Use Take Down!" Phaux said. Stoutland comes in close for a Take Down, as Stoutland came a little closer, "Lucario! Counter once more!" Ash said. Lucario dodged and struck at Stoutland. Stoutland flew back towards his spot leaving him almost fainted. "Ugh! Stoutland now use Last Resort!" Phaux called out, he was clearly annoyed by Counter.

Stoutland charged towards Lucario preparing another Last Resort. "Lucario, block with Bone Rush." Ash said. Lucario brought out his Bone Rush as he prepares to block the attack.

"Now in for a Giga Impact!" Phaux said. Stoutland combined both attacks and broke through Bone Rush then landed on Lucario with both attacks, it wasn't really effective, but did a lot still. "Uh oh! Lucario!" Ash said. "Ha! Finally landed a hit!" Phaux cheered for himself.

"Yeah, a hit." Lucario thought in his head. "Good job, but it's game over. Lucario, Extreme Speed." Was all Ash said. Lucario speeded into Stoutland so fast that the second Phaux took a look at the battlefield he lost. "Ugh, how annoying..." Phaux said.

"Go Scolipede!" Phaux said. "Lucario you fine with this?" Ash said. "Yeah, I've got this one." Lucario telepathically said. "Alright then let's do this!" Ash said pointing towards his opponent. "Lucario, go in for a Bone Rush!" Ash said. Lucario nodded and charged insanely fast towards his opponent's face and beatted the living daylights out of Scolipede with the Bone, it wasn't that effective because of the bug typing in it.

"Agh! Scolipede get him with Megahorn!" Phaux said he was in big trouble now. Megahorn missed as Lucario playfully played around with Scolipede as he was quick and athletic. "Ugh! Hit him!" Phaux ordered. Scolipede was getting frustrated as Lucario trolled around with him. You can see the steam and angry marks on his forehead.

"Back up and blast him with Aura Sphere!" Ash said. Lucario backflipped away from Scolipede and shot an Aura Sphere towards Scolipede, while Scolipede didn't realize where Lucario was for his speediness.

The attack landed directly and Scolipede fell over unconscious. "NO!!! I LOST!!!" Phaux said holding his head in frustration. "That's right, it's over." Ash said grabbing a lasso and tying up Phaux with it, also put tape on his mouth. "Now sit down while you watch disaster happen in front of Team Plasma." Ash said as he headed over to his way to the control panels.

"How do you operate this?" Ash said confused. "Trust me, I wish I knew. Try that one." Lucario said pointing at the red button to Ash's left. "Don't! That'll self destruct the place immediately, the one you'll be looking for is the four red buttons on the right, they're small and have a small pattern. First press the top left, then bottom right, top right and finally bottom left. Got it?" Arceus said. "Wait Lucario that doesn't seem like the right one, what about this one?" Ash said looking at the four buttons.

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