Chapter 59 - Relaxing Resort

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak. And... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Also, Sorry I was taking a small break.)

Ash was already at the pool area. "Guess I can wait til I can get my Pokemon back huh?" Ash said to himself. "Don't worry about your Pokemon Ash, they'll be fine... I hope; there were strange rumors that evil organizations were roaming around here." Arceus said.

Ash was a little worried, but calmed down and took a deep breath. Ash looked at Olivia in the eye, "C'mon Olivia, don't be so shy, let's just relax, this is a resort right? Let's try those." Ash said. Ash pointed to a chair under an umbrella.

"Looks relaxing to me, unless... you had something else in mind? It's okay of whatever you choose. Since you're Kahuna, you should always take your time when relaxing right?" Ash explained with a wide smile.

Olivia blushed, "What is this... feeling? It feels... heartwarming." Olivia thought to herself. She still can't believe she is falling for a small kid like two or three years older than her. "It's fine Alpha! Everything is fine!" Olivia said with a nervous smile.

"Well... okay. I don't wanna ask any questions as I don't wanna push your limit. I'm gonna relax over there." Ash said while pointing towards the chairs with his thumb. "Okay! Just go and make the most of your time!" Olivia said while gesturing him to go away.

Ash quickly walked away and jumped on one of the chairs that was empty. Ash holding the back of his head laid down and rested. Ash equipped sunglasses on and closed his eyes.

Olivia looked at him, "No no no! Bad Olivia! I can't fall in love with a kid like him!" Olivia thought to herself. "Hey~" ??? said behind Olivia. Olivia caught by surprise screeched a little. It was just the lady that was behind the counter.

"I didn't realized that you had a boyfriend." The lady said. "He's not my boyfriend! Besides, he was my challenger." Olivia said while blushing. "Oh, what sort of challenge did you give him? Was it special for him?" The lady said.

"N-not special at all!" Olivia said. "You're still blushing, don't think that I can't see that." The lady retorted. Olivia pouted and turned away. "Try one of those." The lady said as she was pointing over to a hot spring. "S-sure..." Olivia said while walking over there.

Ash lying down on the chair. "This is the life..." Ash said. "I know right?" ??? said next to Ash on his right. "Yup, so you came here for this as well? I really hope my Pokemon are okay." Ash said. "Mine too; so buddy... What's your name?" ??? said.

"I could ask the same question, mine is Alpha." Ash said. "Wait... Alpha?" ??? said while taking off his sunglasses. "Yeah, why?" Ash said while taking off his sunglasses. "Do you recognize me?" ??? said. Ash taking a closer look, and suddenly realizing.

"Fawd? I didn't realize you were here." Ash said, "Well, Team Magma was taking a small break before doing anything else... And I decided to spend my time in this here resort, I heard it heals your exhaustion." Fawd said.

"Well... it certainly does Fawd. Nice to see you here though." Ash said. "Wanna have a battle afterwards?" Fawd said. "Sure!" Ash said. "Quit with the chit chat!" ??? said to Ash's left. Ash took a look over and saw some people familiar.

"Wait... its you!" Ash said. "Huh? Wha, hey it's you!" ??? said. "You're those Team Skull grunts that keeps on bullying the Pokemon School students!" Ash said. "And you're that weakling that somehow beat us!" Team skull grunt blue said.

"Hold on, we're not supposed to fight in a resort." Ash said while backing out. "Hmm... you're right. I'll just ignore you." Team skull grunt blue said. As he said that he peeked over to Ash.

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