Chapter 43 - Haunting Regret

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(I don't own Pokemon or it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Hours later...

School just ended, and Ash waved bye to his friends. "Bye!" Ash said, they waved and said "Bye" as well. Ash walked off with Kukui and Burnet beside him. "So where are you headed?" Kukui said. "I was headed off to get stronger, maybe fighting some formidable foes..." Ash said.

"Well... There are some strong trainers here in Alola, and there is trials to take if you want to take on them!" Burnet explained. "I was sorta thinking about fighting Team Skull, they seem strong." Ash said.

There was a complete silence between Kukui and Burnet. "W-why Team Skull out of all of them? Did Arc give you information about them?" Kukui said. "Yes, I want to fight them, they are strong right?" Ash said.

"Yes they are, I think it'll really help if you protect the school from them. Can you do that for me?" Kukui said. "It'll help my husband out." Burnet added. Kukui chuckled to himself, "Yup it would." Kukui replied.

Ash thought about it. "Hmm... Sure! I can do that for you." Ash said with a smile. "Wow! Thanks!" Kukui said. "You'll be staying in my house is that okay?" Kukui said. "Sure I'm fine with that." Ash said.


Ash was guided to Kukui's house. "Welcome to my abode! Make yourself at home!" Kukui said. "Thanks! I will," Ash said. On that note Ash walked inside, looking around, Ash remembered the times he had in here. Good memories.

"Where will I be staying at?" Ash asked, he pretty much guessed that he was going to sleep up there. "Oh! You'll be sleeping at... There." Kukui said while pointing up there. "Yup, knew it." Ash thought to himself.

"Oh okay. I'll set myself up, up there." Ash said. "If you need anything ask me!" Kukui said. Ash climbed up the ladder, "Alright!" Ash said across the room. Kukui then walked towards his desk, Burnet walked into the Kitchen.

"If you need anything, ask me honey! You too Alpha!" Burnet said with a smile. "No thanks! I'm good!" Ash said. "Hmm... Okay... You honey?" Burnet said. "He's definitely lying he hasn't eaten since this whole time at school." Burnet thought to herself.

Burnet went over to Kukui and whispered into his ear, it was inaudible. Kukui nodded and walked over to the ladder and climbed it; Kukui looked at Ash. Surprised to see something amazing.

Ash didn't recognize Kukui climbing up, but he was feeding his entire team, with Pokemon food. Kukui was surprised to see Celebi, a mythical here in a place like this. Ash turned around and saw Kukui, a moment of silence passed by.

Ash returned all of his Pokemon except Celebi and swiftly turned to look at Kukui with hands behind his back while sweating a little. "Wh-what..." Kukui said.

"Shh!!! Don't tell anyone! Well... you can tell Burnet about it. But don't tell anyone else! Making friends with Arc is the best thing I've ever done; he made friends with Celebi. So he lend her to me, temporarily." Ash explained in a whisper.

"Uh, okay..." Kukui said in a whisper. "Anyways... I was going to ask... Why are you starving yourself? Burnet realized that you haven't eaten ever since the whole day." Kukui said in a worried tone. Ash's stomach didn't even budge.

"Well... I've only eaten small meals like an oran berry." Ash said. "Only an oran berry? You need to have a good meal. A good meal makes your stomach happy!" Kukui said. Ash scratches the back of his head.

"About that... I've haven't got a good meal since the beginning of the journey and events happened so far..." Ash said with a giggle. "This is no time to goof around! You should be more worried about yourself. Don't beat yourself up." Kukui said.

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