Chatper One

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  Teahyung walked through the door of his expensive apartment building, as always he threw his stuff down by the door and slugged into the kitchen He could hear the angelic voice from the recording room, then he heard the pitter patter of someone's feet coming down the hallway.

  "Taehyungie!!!"  Jimin wrapped his arms around his neck and welcome the busy workaholic home. "Hey Jimmie."  Taehyung chuckled, the pink hair guy never failed to make him smile. But Jimin noticed something was wrong with his hyung. The way he breathed, the way he gave him a weak hug. This wasn't like Taehyung... At all.

  "How was work today?" Jimin titled his head up at his tired friend. Taehyung let out a long sigh, "Horrible."  He said as he moved into the living room where he sunk into the couch.  Worried filled Jimin's eyes as he sat close to Taehyung, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Aww... What happened?"

  "Well," Teahyung huffed, "It all started when I spilt coffee on my favorite shirt this morning, then I fell down the steps at work, I got a paper cut, one of the models quit because she wasn't happy with the 250 dollars an hour pay, and someone stole my lunch out of the fridge, and now I have to be at rehearsal in 10."  Taehyung didn't take a breath once, until he finished his sentence. He leaned over and put his face in his hands.  Jimin looked at the worn out Taehyung.

  "I'm sorry you had a bad day Tae Tae." He said leaning his head on Taehyung's shoulder, Taehyung leaned over too. "It's not your fault Jimmie." Taehyung said quietly.  "I'm just tired." Taehyung sighs, as he relaxes next to his hyung. "You should rest if you are tired, maybe you should skip rehearsal today," Jimin looked at him with his dark brown eyes. "I can't."

Taehyung got up and walked into the kitchen, Jimin following him like a lost puppy. "Do we have any ice cream? I've been craving it all day." Taehyung rummaged through the freezer. "Yeah we should, if I didn't eat it all."  Jimin giggled, which made Taehyung laugh as his heart melted. "Found it!"  Taehyung came to the counter with his famous boxy smile plastered to his face, and a box of ice cream in his hand. "Chocolate or vanilla?" Taehyung glanced up at the bright smiling Jimin.

"Chocolate!"  He chimed. "Okay one chocolate, and one vanilla coming up!"  Taehyung turned to get bowls and  two spoons.

  As Jimin ate his ice cream, Taehyung couldn't help but glance at the cuteness he was witnessing. "What is it?" Jimin caught him glancing at him.  Tae's cheeks got warm. "You're just too cute." Taehyung said looking down as the half melted bowl of vanilla ice cream. Jimin was blushing, which made his cuteness amplify, "Taehyungieee!" Jimin pouted and hid his face beneath his sleeves, "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself! You are adorable!" Taehyung smiled at the soft little cloud as he blushed harder. "No I'm not!" Jimin smiled.

"Oh come here." Taehyung embraced his blushing hyung. "I didn't mean to embarrass you Jimmie."  Taehyung said quietly as Jimin hugged him back. "It's okay." Jimin whispered. It was a long silence. "I have to get going, I'll be late." Taehyung looked down into Jimin's dark eyes. "Aww." Jimin whined. "I could use a ride though, if you don't mind?" Taehyung smiled and pulled away from Jimin. "Yeah of course, I'll drive you!" Jimin didn't hesitate to grab his coat and keys, and they were both out the door.

"Thanks Jimmie," Taehyung said as they both got into the car. "No problem Taehyungie."  Since Taehyung lived so close to his office, there was no real need for a car, he could just walk to work. "I'm just to tired to walk today,"  Taehyung leaned his head against the cool window and watched the cars zoom by.  He glanced over at how focused Jimin was on the road, Taehyung noticed the small bit of melted ice cream on Jimin's lips. "Jimmie, you got a little," Taehyung wiped his thumb over the melted sweetness on Jimin's lip. Jimin's face flushed, then wiped the rest off, and licked it off of his fingers with a small giggle. That made Taehyung almost lose it, his whole body felt like it was on fire. His cheeks were red, and his eyes widened as if he wasn't sure what just happened.

He quickly stared back out the window before Jimin could tell he was blushing profoundly. "Hey what's wrong?" Jimin's focus was on Taehyung now as they came to a stop at a red light. It was a long pause before Taehyung had the courage to speak, "Jimmie... Why do you have to tease me like that?" Jimin's face flashed pink. "Tease you like what?" The light turned green and Jimin's focus was back on the road. Taehyung shook his head quickly. "I-It's nothing Jimmie, forget I said anything." Taehyung went to staring back out the window. The rest of the ride was silent.

'Thanks again Jimmie, I owe you one." Taehyung waved to Jimin as he got out of the car, and rushed into the building, "You don't owe me anything Tae!" Jimin called to Taehyung just as he disappeared into the building. Jimin let out a sigh, and drove home.

  "What an idiot! Why did I say that!" Taehyung face palmed as he leaned against the door of his changing room, Taehyung shook off his embarrassment and went to rehearse for hours.

  "I didn't know the house was such a mess!"  Jimin came home and realized how messy everything was from not cleaning in a few days. Dishes cluttered the sink, dirty clothes filled the laundry room, the trash was finally over flowing, and both of their rooms were a complete disaster. "How does this even happen?" Jimin sighed. He thought about Taehyung, and that tomorrow was his day off, he didn't want him to be cleaning all day. "Whelp let's get to it Jimin." He started with the kitchen and made his way back to the bathroom, and their rooms.  He made sure that he cleaned Taehyung's room for him, because he knew Taehyung would do nothing but sleep in tomorrow.

  as he was cleaning, something caught his eye... Taehyung's journal.  Jimin's eyebrows shot up, and curiosity filled his heart. Should I? He thought to himself. No! No! That's way to private! He dropped the journal back where it was like it was poison. But that curiosity twisted and turned in his mind. We're best friends, he won't mind right?  He picked the journal back up and pranced off to his room, locking the door behind him.

  He plopped on the bed and flipped to the first page. "Wow." Jimin whispered. He couldn't believe Taehyung had kept a journal since their first time meeting each other. Taehyung wrote about how much he enjoyed being around Jimin, and how he thinks of him as a brother.  He wrote that he even enjoys the bad times they have had in the past, because he knew there would be a brighter day. Jimin smiled to himself as he read through all of his happy memories, and almost cried as he read through the sad ones. But nothing prepared him for when he flipped to the most recent page.

   May 30th, 2018.

"I think I love Jimin. All this time I thought of him as my brother, but now... Something about him changed me. It's like everything his does now, my brain makes him move in slow motion, and every time he smiles it's like my heart just wants to jump right out of my chest. He his my ray of sunshine, but I could never tell him how I feel, I'm to scared of being rejected. Lately, it's like he's been teasing me on purpose, just so I'll lose control. I don't know how much longer I can handle not being able to kiss him."

  Jimin's eyes widened, his face was fifty shades of red, and his heart was beating so fast he though it might bruise his ribs. He slowly closed the book, and took a deep breath. "Tae.." He said to himself, then he knew he had to make sure their home was spotless!

   "Jimmie! I'm home!"  Taehyung called into the quiet room, he threw his stuff down by the door, and hanged his coat on the hook. As soon as Taehyung went into the kitchen, he could tell Jimin had been working his ass off cleaning, the smell of cleaning supplies doesn't lie. He's probably asleep, poor baby, he must be beat. Taehyung smiled to think of the awkward way Jimin sleeps, snuggled under the covers, hugging is pillow. Suddenly Jimin ran up to Taehyung and into his arms, scaring the crap out of Taehyung. "Welcome home Tae Tae!" Jimin said hugging Taehyung, "Hey Jimmie!" Taehyung breathed, realizing it was only his little cloud coming for a warm hug. "I cleaned the house today! How's it look?!" Jimin beamed. Taehyung nodded his head. "It looks amazing Jimmie!" Taehyung took a long sip of water and smiled at Jimin. "You worked your little butt off didn't you?" Taehyung titled his head at his short, pink haired friend.  "Yep!"

   "Do you want anything to eat?" Jimin asked Taehyung as he pulled some meat from the fridge. "Nah, I'm good Jimmie, I ate on the way home." Taehyung was walking towards the hallway. "I'm just gonna take a shower and head to bed." Taehyung said going into the bathroom. "Okay..." He Jimin said. He was kinds disappointed he didn't get to make supper for Taehyung.

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