Chapter Twenty Five

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Jin and Namjoon.....

"Baby..." Namjoon groaned as he went to reach for his fiancee, but the soace beside him was made up and cold....

"Jin?" Namjoon sat up and rubbed his tired eyes. He played with his ring finger, the golden band wrapping aroind his finger made him smile.

He knew exactly where his ball of fluff was....

Down stairs cooking him breakfast.

He stretched as he got up, walking down stairs slowly... He watched as Jin joyfully danced to his favorite song as he flipped the eggs in the skillet.

Namjoon's heart melted as he continued to watch the love of his life make him breakfast.

Namjoon was going to sneak up behind him and scare him a bit... But being the clumsy guy that he is...

He ended up tripping and falling right beside Jin... Scaring the poor bride anyway.

"Namjoon!!!" Jin said holding the spachula tight.  Jin had on his pink "Kiss the Cook" apron.

"Sorry baby!!" He jumped up and instantly gave him a warm hug, "I didn't mean to scare you salang."

"Yah! You scared me!" Jin hugged him back. "I almost hit you with the spoon!!" Jin started to laugh his windshield wiper laugh, and Namjoon laughed along with him.

"Im glad you didn't!!" Namjoon said kissing Jin's cheek.

"Good morning." Jin kissed him back, holding up a full course breakfast on Namjoon's plate.

"Thanks baby." Namjoon took his plate and waited for Jin to sit with him to eat.

"Are you going to work after breakfast?" Jin asked stuffing pancakes in his mouth.

"Nope, calling in a sick day." Namjoon smiled showing off those dimples that Jin loved so much.

"Why?" Jin asked, taking a sip of orange juice.

"Me and you are going on a date."

Jin's eyes widened, "Really?" He asked with a smile.

"Mhmm!!" Namjoon nodded.

"I noticed you've been a little stressed lately, taking on all the wedding plans while I work, so today is all about you baby." Namjoon leaned over the table and planted a kiss on Jin's forehead...

"Aww!!! Joonie!!!!" Jin got up and sat in Namjoon's lap, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's neck.

"I love you..."

"Love you too Jinnie.."

(Just a little peek into Jin and Namjoon's morning... UwU💜 I'll be writing a chapter for them soon!!!)


Jimin was drunk... Undeniably, absolutely drunk...

"Oooh~ I look pretty today!!!" He admired himself in the window of a small shop.

"Yah-ah! Jimin come on!" A perfectly sober Sung-Ji tugged on his sleeve.

"Noooo~ I have to get home!!
Tae Tae is waiting for me!~ " Jimin went to walk across the street, but thankfully Sung-Ji snatched him back from the road.

"Jimin! Taehyung is in Seoul! You are in Busan!!!" Sung-Ji said frustrated

Jimin: T^T

"Why are you yelling at me???~" He whined like a baby and rubbed his watery eyes.

"FUCK."   Sung-Ji cursed to herself.

"Oh no no Jiminie it's okay, I'm sorry i didn't mean to yell at you  sweetie." She patted his back.

He sniffled.

"Yah... I want Taehyungie~.... " He grumbled.

"I know, but you will see him in a few weeks..." Sung-Ji said leading him down the street.

Jimin pouted.

"Can i call him when we get to the room~??"  He asked trying to keep from stumbling over his own steps .

"Yes of course."  She smiled.

"Yah~" Taehyung waved at Hoseok in the darkness of the theater as the movie played in the big screen.

"Pass the pop-corn~" He said quietly. Hoseok passed it to Yoongi and Yoongi oassed it to Jubgkook and finally made its' way to Taehyung.

He went to reach in the box, not waiting another second to taste the buttery, salty puff of corn....


The Bastards.... They ate it all!!!

Taehyung threw the box back down to the end as Yoongi and Hoseok laughed.

"Assholes..." He mutter and went back to watching the movie.

He caught himself looking at Jungkook as the intense parts of the scary movie were playing.

Jungkook's smooth profile and wide doe eyes... His full pink lips were barely parted, his big bunny teeth peeking from his upper lip...

"Don't do it...." Jungkook said to himself. He was sucked into the moive.

"No..." The music got more intense... So you know something creepy was about to happen.

Taehyung could see Jungkook tensed up.

Taehyung could also see Jimin if he was with them...

Clinging to Taehyung hiding his face in Taehyung's arm...
Flinching every time a scary noise boomed through the speaker.

Jimin doesn't like scary movies....

Taehyung snapped his attention on the screen when the music stopped.


"Aaaaahhhh!!!" Hoseok screamed when the scary possesed girl showed up on the screen....

Black hair covering her face, her dark soulless eyes, and her gray rotting flesh made her an eyesore....

But to Hoseok... She was pure terror.

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook... His eyes were still squeezed shut as the girl tore an unfortunate victim to pieces.


"That was awful!!!!" Hoseok said as they all walked out of the theater.

Everyone laughed at the biggest coward in the group.

"I had fun, thanks guys." Taehyung said with a chuckle.

"If you want you can come to the house and play some video games." Jungkook said

'Are you asking me to come to a sleepover?" Taehyung smiled.

"If you want?" Jungkook smiled back.

"Hell nah..." Yoongi immediately said opening the door to his Porsche.

"Yah!!! Why not!!" Hoseok protested.

"Yeah yoons why not??" Jungkook pouted.

"Because I'm your big brother that's why." Yoongi said getting in the car.

"Oh come on!!! It'll be fun!" Jungkook said getting in the back seat.

Taehyung wasn't going to say anything.... He didn't know what to say... Yeah He'd love to go to their house and trash them at any game they had.

But Yoongi wasn't budging.

"Please Yoongi!!!"

Hoseok poked his chubby cheek.

"No.." He said dryly.

"If you love me then you'll let Tae come over." Jungkook crossed his arms. Yoongi looked at him then back at the road.

He let out an irritated sigh.


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