Chapter 57

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  Every inch of Jungkook's body was on fire... The ends of his nerves were tingling to the point where it felt like someone was stabbing him with small needles.

His chest was sealing out every ounce of oxygen he had in his lungs.

His mind was foggy, and screwed up he didn't know what was going on.

All he knew was that Taehyung was on top of him... Smirking as he had Jungkook's wrist pinned to the floor. His dark eyes were staring right through Jungkook's soul, and his grip tightened around his wrist.

All Jungkook could do was stare up at Taehyung's gorgeous face and dangerous eyes.

He let out a small gasp of awe as he realized that Taehyung had barely noticeable freckles on his cheeks.

  Taehyung's curious eyes scanned over every inch of Jungkook's face. Taking in every perfect imperfection. His sightly crooked bunny tooth barely poked out from his upper lip, and the freckle on the side of the bridge of his nose made Taehyung appreciate whoever created Jungkook even more. Taehyung's keen eyes spotted the blossoming blush cascaded over Jungkook's cheeks, and his made his heart pound deep in his chest.

"Are you two done? I mean- I can always just step out..."

Hoseok said with a disgusted face and his thumb pointed at the door as he began to get up.

Suddenly, the two that were admiring each other, both snapped their head towards Hoseok, forgetting he was even there.

  Panick swarmed through Jungkook when he realized just how close Taehyung was to his face.

Jungkook's brain was screaming at him....

'Bitch run!'

Jungkook quickly scrammbled from under Taehyung until his back hit the foot of his bed frame.

"Ah- Kookie, I'm sorry!" Taehyung said with a soft voice as he reached for Jungkook.

"I-it's fine Tae." Jungkook laughed waved him off.

"Awkward...." Hoseok said in a chirping tone...

Taehyung glared at him, and sighed. "How about we watch a moive hmm?" Taehyung tilted his head with a warm smile.

Jungkook nodded, still silent. He cleared his throat. "Uhm, I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick! Don't start the movie without me!" Jungkook jumped up quickly and rushed out the door.

"Sprite... Goes right through him." Hoseok said pick out an Avangers movie.

"Yeah..." Taehyung said as he felt a sight sliver of regret flutter in his chest.


Jungkook gripped the side of the sink as he leaned over it. He slashed himself with cool water to try and make the heat on his face go away.

His breath was hot and labored as he sealed his eyes shut tightly. He kept the water running so no one would hear the small whimpers coming from his mouth.

"What the actual fuck...?" He gritted his teeth and crused under his breath. There was a tight knot in his stomach, something that had lingered there since the first time he saw Taehyung... An unsatisfied urge...

He gripped the sides of the sink until his hands were white knuckled, his whole body tensed and sweat formed on his forehead.

"Damn it..." He breathed out. "Why does he do this to me?" He looked up into the foggy mirror...

He wiped away some of the condinsation, his face softened into a sad expression. And his heart shattered in his chest. Suddenly, the feeling he had before... Was gone That...

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