Chapter Twenty Nine

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Taehyung tapped his foot nervously on the plane... He was so worried about Jimin...

He promised himself that no matter what has happened he won't get mad like he did last time and flip out...

He just wants his Jimmie back.

He didn't tell Jin, Namjoon or Jimin that he was in his way, and that he wasn't going to let anything stop him.


He looked down on his phone and saw Jungkook's text icon.

Kookie🍪: Hey where are you?

Taehyung: I'm headed to Busan. Something is wrong with Jimin... Don't tell your brother please.

Kookie🍪:waah? Is he okay?"

Taehyung: idk, just chill out okay? And don't tell Yoongi.

Kookie🍪: yah okay let me know what's happening...


He put his phone away and focused out the window.

He wondered what Jimin was doing right now.....

"Jimin calm down..." Jin tried to calm the sobbing Jimin, "i feel so dirty..." He whined and dug his red face deeper into Jin's chest.

"Yah, Hon this is bad." He said to Namjoon.

"You have to tell him Jimin..." Namjoon rubbed Jimin's back.

"Yah! I know!!" Jimin's bad temper was creeping up on him again.

"Urrrah!!! Why did i have to do that!!!" He gripped his hair and gritted his teeth.

"Gah!!! Jimmie stop!!" Jin said pulling Jimin's hand away from his hair.

"How... How Am I gonna tell him..." He covered his mouth with his sleeve and plopped backwards on the bed.

"Do you want me to tell him baby?" Jin asked.

Jimin shot up from the bed.
"No! No! I have to do it like Namjoon said!!" He said biting his sleeve. "I just don't know how!!" He whined and rubbed his eye...

Jin gave Namjoon a worried look.


Taehyung slammed the door to the cab a few hours later, he paid the driver and rushed into the hotel. He fiddled with the hotel room key as he got in the elevator, his heart was racing and his palms were sweating.

The ding of the elevator snapped Taehyung out of his trance and he swiftly walked down the hall to Jimin's room. "Jimin open the door." He said firmly.

Jin shot up in the bed as Jimin looked terrified at his brother. "Jimin open the damn door." Taehyung knocked harder.

"Tell him I'm not here..." Jimin whimpered... Jin got up and opened the door, blocking Taehyung's entrance with his briad shoulders. "He's not here right now..." Jin said in a dry tone.

Taehyung glared at him "don't play dumb with me Seokjin! Where is he!?" Taehyung tried to look over his shoulder but Jin blicked the veiw.

"He isn't here." Jin said once more, Taehyung's rage made him get in Jin's face and growl. "Get the fuck out of the way Jin."

Jin was about to say something before Namjoon came into the hall, "Just let him in Jin... He has a right." Namjoon opened the door wider as Jin glared at Taehyung.

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