Chapter 48

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Jimin woke up to his phone going off like crazy.


He ignored the annoying pings of his notifications, sinking deeper into the warmth of Taehyung's chest. Jimin's brow twitched in agitation as the pinging continued.

"Baby, somebody is blowing up your phone..." Taehyung groaned with a deep, husky voice.

"Nnhm... I'll check it later." He said snuggling closer to Taehyung, throwing his short leg over Taehyung's hip.


Before the third ring of Jimin's phone could ring he reached over and snatched the smart phone from the night stand.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Jimin didn't bother to check the caller ID.

"Excuse me?"

It was Jin.

"Oh! Hyung! I'm sorry i didn't know it was you!!" Jimin's voice became shakey and filled with fear.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Me and Joon have been standing outside your front door for like five mintues, get your ass down here and let us in!"

Jin didn't sound happy, Jimin quickly got up and put his(Taehyung's) shirt back on and found a pair of shorts to wear under it.

"Yah~ah! I'm coming give me one sec." Jimin hung up the phone.

"Tae, get up my brother is here." Jimin shook Taehyung mercilessly.

Taehyung's head bounced off the bed several times before he woke.

"Noooo, tell him to go away~~~!" Taehyung whined and put his pillow over his face.

"Come on you big baby!" Jimin open hand slapped Taehyung on his bubble butt.

Taehyung flinched.

There was silence, and Taehyung was still. Jimin raised a brow wondering what was going on.

"Uh? Tae-" Before Jimin could say anything else Taehyung tackled him on to the bed.

"Oof- Tae!" Jimin giggles and playfully hit Taehyung's broad chest.

Taehyung smiled, "let's just forget about your brother hmm? I don't know about you... But I could go for round two.." Taehyung smirked, and kissed Jimin softly.

"Yaaaaah~" Jimin pouted and whined. "Lemme go to my brother~" he whined like a baby and reached for the door.

Taehyung huffed, "fine." He said and got up to get dressed

Jimin smiled and bounced down the steps, a smile spreading across his lips as he opened the poor.

"Jinnie!" Jimin smiled brightly and embraced his older brother with a tight hug.

"Hey Jimmie." Jin smiled fondly down at his cute little brother, petting his shiney, black locks.

"Hey Joonie!" Jimin hopped over to Namjoon who smiled as he took his hands out of his light brown coat that went a little past his thighs. He wore a black turtle neck, and a silver rolex ice his wrist. His light brown hair was combed over to the side, and his thick specticles made him look very handsome.

"Hey kiddo," Namjoon gladly accepted the tight hug from the shorter guy.

"I've missed you guys so much!!" Jimin took them both by the hand and drug them into the house.

Taehyung was making lunch for everyone.

Taehyung could make a killer sub...

He perfectly placed each ingredient on the lightly toasted bread, his tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on making the subs perfect.

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