Chapter 61

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"Minho..." Taehyung said tracing his fingers over the silver seams of black dress. It was one of the many line ups for the fashion show, but this one was the main piece.

Minho bit his lips anxiously as he watched Taehyung examine his finished work. His hands slightly trembled as he watched Taehyung, hoping and praying that he liked it.

The dress was beautiful. It captured the beauty of darkness just as Taehyung expected it to. The boddess was riddled with silver lace that extended all the way to the wrists of the dress. The skirt of the dress were many dark colors. Navey blue, dark purple and a subtle hint of red made the tiny gems on the fabric look as if the galaxy were right there on the dress.

"I love this..." Taehyung said as he admired the length, and colors of the dress.

Minho squealed a little and bounced excitingly on his heels at the admiration in Taehyung's voice.

Next, Taehyung examined a sport coat. It was black, with white roses, and opaue gray skulls that made up the material in which it was made. Black lace was found at the end of the sleeve's cuffs, and little golden clips on each side of the coat were there to hold it together.

"With that one," Minho pointed to the sports coat as he pulled out a short, lacey, black material.

"It has a scarf to go with it." He said with a smile.

Taehyung smiled and placed the scarf on the coat. "I might just have to wear this one myself." He said looking at Minho with a proud expression.

Minho's eyes sparkled, "Oh please! Be my guest by all means!" Minho said with a bright, excited smile.

Taehyung was amazed by how much talent he had right under his nose, why hadn't Minho asked him to collaborate before?

"I want the other line ups to be a surprise." Taehyung said putting a hand on Minho's shoulder. Minho smiled and nodded his head.

"Mr. Kim-"

"Ah- what did I say?"

"Oh, sorry!" Minho laughed nervously, "Tae." Minho smiled widely. "I just want to thank you for this opportunity..." Minho nodded slowly as he looked down at his masterpiece.

"Never thank me okay?" Taehyung flashed Minho a rectangular smile. Minho smiled back. "I'm so happy that you gave me the chance to do this." Minho said running his fingers over the gold patterns of the sport coat.

"I'm always glad to help someone achieve their dreams." Taehyung said as he gently placed the clothes back in their protective cases.



"Tomorrow is it." Tesu said as he walked into Jimin's changing room.

They had just got done with one of Jimin's final shows, tomorrow will be the last show of the tour before Jimin goes home.

Jimin smiled,"Yeah, I can't wait to get home." He sighed and leaned his head back.

"Is Taehyung picking you up from the airport? Or are we taking you straight to your house?" Tesu asked as he typed away on the keypad of his phone.

"Tae said he'd be there to pick me up." Jimin said not looking at Tesu.

Tesu nodded, "Okay, good," he said," when you get home you get some rest okay?" He gave Jimin his charming, million- dollar smile.

Jimin nodded, "Besides kissing my boyfriend, that's the first thing I'm going to do." Jimin giggled.

Tesu laughed along with Jimin, "Okay, well I'm gonna get out of your hair, get some sleep." Tesu said heading for the door.

"See ya Tes." Jimin waved as Tesu left his room.

Jimin couldn't possibly sleep. His mind was too full of Taehyung's boxy smile and handsome face.

Jimin smiled to himself and hugged his pillow. "I should call him." Jimin shot up and dailed Taehyung's number.

He didn't answer...

Jimin called again- still no answer.

"What the actual-" He sputtered in frustration.

Taehyung usually picks up on the second ring, he's never not answered Jimin's calls.

He texted Taehyung a few times.

Jimin: Hey, why aren't you answering my calls? Is something wrong?

He finally gave up. He told himself that he must've been too busy to answer Jimin's calls.

Jimin laid back down after plugging up his phone. He pouted aggressively as he snuggled up to his pillow.

"It's okay Jimin... You'll see him soon." Jimin said closing his eyes. But he didn't see Taehyung's eyes, or his smile when he closed his eyes....


Yoongi's dark eyes flashed through his head, a vision of him cupping Jimin's face burned through his umsubconcious....

Jimin flinched at the sudden thought. She shot up and fisted his hand through his hair. His heart was pounding wildly in his chest.

"Get- out- of -my -head!" He said through his teeth as he gently hit the side of his head with his fist.

He let out a deep, exhausted sigh and laid back down. He stared ip at the ceiling. His eyes started to burn as tears rimmed his soft eyes.


"Ah Jungkook do you have something picked out for tomorrow?" Hoseok poked his head from around the corner as Jungkook was coming down the steps.

"Yeah, I been had something picked out." He smiled at his friend. Yoongi's ears twitched as he sat up from the couch.

"Urrah! I don't know what to wear!!" Hoseok dramatically whipped out three suits. "One is really pretty, and one is my favorite color, and one looks really good on me!" He whined as he shook the suits.

"Calm down Hobi, just pick one, they all are fashion-show- acceptable? I...guess?" Jungkook slowly shrugged as he walked over to the fridge.

"Where are you two going tomorrow?" Yoongi asked as he watched the two in the kitchen.

"Taehyung's fashion show debut... Are you going?" Hoseok smiled over at him.

Yoongi's face screwed up like Hoseok asked him if he wanted to eat worms.

"I'd rather go skydiving... Without a parachute..." Yoongi smiled sarcastically and laid back downm

"But you love Vucci!?" Jungkook said as he marched over to the couch.

"Yeah, that's before I knew who owned it." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Jungkook slapped yoongi on his arm.

"Oww! What the fuck Kook!?" Yoongi sat up.

"Come on Yoongi! If you had something important going on, Taehyung would be there to support you!" Jungkook said with his hand on his hip.

"Oookaay, suuure!" Yoongi said in a saracastic tone. "Only if Jimin asked him to." He mumbled.

"Well I'm asking you to come." Jungkook said crossing his arms with an angry expression on his face.

Yoongi flopped back down on the couch. "Uhg... Fine." He said throwing his hands up in defeat.

Jungkook and Hoseok both smiled at each other.

"By the way Hoseok." Yoongi said from the couch. Hoseok turned his head, "Yeah?"

"The red suit, wear that to the fashion show... It looks nice on you." Yoongi said as he drifted back to sleep.

Hoseok's cheeks blushed a deep redish color, and he held the suit close to his chest. "Thanks.." He said just under a whisper.

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