Chapter 59

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A few months later...

"There's only a few more months til the debut of the new fashion line Minho, and so far you haven't shown me anything that will calm my nerves."

Taehyung tapped his foot nervously on the hard wood floor as he leaned back in his black leather chair.

  Minho let out a long sigh into the phone. "I know sir, I know! But you have to trust me okay? I'm all caught up, by this rate I'll bee done a week before the debut."

Taehyung's eyebrows rose, "A week before?" He had a surpised tone to his seep voice.

Minho nodded quickly as he measured some fabric. "Yes sir, a week before." Minho smiled.

Taehyung nodded, "Have you gotten any sleep?" Taehyung sat up in his chair, the leather squeaking as he did.

Minho laughed nervously, "Of course, maybe two or three hours but I'm fine!" Minho said as the sound of a sewing machine cut on in the background.

"I'm sending you some personal assistants... They'll be able to help you while you take a break."

Minho smiled, "Oh wow thank you Mr. Kim, I appreciate it!" Minho said with some relief in his voice.

"You are very much welcome, make sure that you bring in some samples so I can get an idea about the line." Taehyung said getting up. He opened the door and went into the studio were some of his workers were.

Some were photograghers taking pictures of models in beautiful outfits. Others were people sewing fabric, and others were pulling together outfits with jewelry and shoes.

"Oh by the way, I've been meaning to ask you what your theme was for this line?" Taehyung asked waving a few workers over.

"Dark Beauty..." Minho said as he stitched together a sparkly black fabric together.

"I absolutely love it." Taehyung said, so many patterns and designs flashed through his mind, so many ideas and sketches flooded his brain... Which made him even more excited to see what Minho had made.

"I'll see you sometime this week okay?" Taehyung said with a smile, "I'll have your assistants at your door in a few."

"Okay, thank you again Mr. Kim for this opportunity." Minho said with a soft tone.

"Please call me Tae."  Taehyung smiled brightly as he heard the sigh of awe on the other side of the phone.

"Are you crying?" Taehyung asked as he propped his hand on his hip.

"No, no.... Happy tears... Happy tears..." Minho sniffled and laughed.

"Okay well I'll see you soon." Taehyung said.

"You bet," Minho said.

"Bye." Taehyung said hanging up the phone.

  Taehyung sighed and looked at the group of people in front of him.

"Okay, you all have a new assignment." Taehyung said pressing send to a group chat.

Dings rung out through the small crowd. "You are going to gather all your materials and go help Minho with the rest of the fashion line. You'll do whatever he says the way he says it. And if anyone fucks this up... You'll have me to answer to." He smiled brightly.

Some of the workers looked a little scared, maybe worried. But they all nodded their heads and gatheres their things to head to Minho's house.

Taehyung returned to his office and sat back down at his desk. He ran his fingers through his hair and leaned back letting out long sigh.

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