Chapter 50

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Soon it was time for everyone to leave, except for Hoseok and Jungkook.

Jimin told them that it was fine if thwy stayed the night so Hobi didn't have to lung Jungkook around all night. Hoseok was sure that Yoongi would understand.

"The party was fun!" Hoseok said ruffling his faded red hair and eating a slice of pizza.

Jimin smiled, "thank you Hobi, it wouldn't have been a party without you." Jimin rested his chin on his palm amd leaned on the island with his elbow.

Taehyung was sitting next to him with his arm wrapped around Jimin's small shoulders smiling happily at Jimin.

"Yeah jimmie is right," Taehyung flashed a soft smile at Hoseok. "Thank you for coming."

Hoseok smiled back brightly. "I wouldn't miss saying goodbye to Jimin! No way!" He giggled and then yawned.

"Welp, I better hit the sack." Hoseok said getting up.

"Oh! I'll show you to your room!" Jimin bounced happliy and drug Taehyung off his stool by his arm.

Taehyung smiled at his cuteness and looked bavk a Hoseok with an adoring smile. Hoseok smiled back sleepily, ruffling his hair as the grazed his elagant fingers over the ebony railing of the grande stair case.

Jimin entered the room and sat at the doot of the bed, he smiled at Hoseok as the red head flopped in the bed, face planting into the pillows.

Taehyung chuckled, "I think that's our que to go." Taehyung gently rubbed the small of Jimin's back, making the ravenette look up at the taller male with a smile equal to Hoseok's.

"Goonigh...." The muffled yawn coming out of Hoseok's mouth made Jimin flinch at the sudden words.

Jimin giggled and got up, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's small waist, and planting his cheek hard against Taehyung's side.

Taehyung kissed the top of Jimin's head and smoothed his hair down as they made their way into the master bathroom.

Jimin was running the hot water as Taehyung was undressing. He tossed his white shirt in the hamper by the door, along with his black joggers. Taehyung carefully took off the red, threaded braclet that wrapped around his elegant wrist. He smiled at Jimin, as Taehyung caught Jimin  staring at him through the other mirror.

Taehyung smirked and gave Jimin a quaint little wink. Just that made the ravenette's knees feel numb. 

Taehyung lit some vanilla scented candles and placed them on the edge of the tub. The hit steam quickly fillled the air as vibrant red roses floated lightly on top of the bubbly water.

Jimin dimmed the lights, tunring the small digital dial on the touch pad on the wall. He dimmed it so low, that the candles were the brightest loght in the room, the artificial light was barely enough to see.

Taehyung looked at Jimin as he sat down in the hot water, his arms spread out, resting on the sides of the polished white tub.

"You better get in before it gets cold baby." Taehyung says in a low, husky voice, knowing it makes Jimin's insides turn into butterflies.

Jimin giggled and sat on the edge of the tub, "Maybe I don't wanna get in~" Jimin quirked a perfectly perfect brow at his lover, with a innocent smile on his face as he swirled his small finger on the surface of the water.

"Oh yeah?" Taehyung took Jimin by the wrist and yanked him down into the water, the rose petals sloshing about with water as Jimin's weight seem to add more water into the tub.

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