Chapter 56

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Jungkook and Taehyung were the only ones left in the race after Hoseok was tired of being inked by the two.

  Taehyung and Jungkook were neck and neck... They both saw the checkered line coming up in the horizon, they both glanced at each other, both of them had determination burning deep in their eyes.

Jungkook sped up his cart, only going a few inches infront of Taehyung.

Jungkook smirked and felt his pride swirl in his chest.

There was only a few more feet to the finish line and Jungkook could taste the victory!


Taegyung saved his last power up to disable Jungkook and zoom across the finish line.

Jungkook gawked at the screen as Princess Peach screeched into the winner's circle. Taehyung jumped up and did a small victory dance, which was just him wiggling his butt.

  Hoseok laughed at Jungkook's facial expression, falling backwards as his face turned red from laughter.


Jungkook just stared at the screen as Hoseok playfully slapped his shoulders and Taehyung danced happily.

  "I was... So close.." Jungkook said with a defeated tone.

"Yeah, so close, but you still lost!" Taehyung laughed and plopped back down in his bean bag chair.

"How was that even fair!?" Jungkook whined and gestured to the TV.

"He won fair and square Kookie... You just got too cocky." Hoseok wipped the tears of laughter from his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up Hobi." Jungkook grumbled and pouted like a baby.

"Aww come on Kookie~ don't be like that..." Taehyung put his arm around Jungkook's shoulder and pulled him close, making the younger tense.

"It's just a game..." Taehyung said with a soft tone close to Jungkook's ear.

Jungkook's whole body stiffened, and warmth spread through his stomach.

"And? I wanted to win." Jungkook said, trying to hide his frustration...

  "How about we play again hmm?" Taehyung smiled.

"No cause then you're gonna let me win and I'm not about that..." Jungkook pouted more intensely.

  "Fine suit yourself." Taehyung chuckled and leaned back onto the foot of the bed.

"Ah that was great." Hoseok laughed and leaned back.

"Yeah it was." Taehyung said ruffling Jungkook's soft locks.

Which made Jungkook's cheek blosssom with a pink tint.


Suddenly Taehyung's phone was ringing, and it was Jimin wanting to facetime.

"Ah! Guys it's Jimmie!" Taehyung's face lit up with excitment as the other two huddled around the phone in Taehyung's hand.

Taehyung pressed the green answer icon on the screen, and suddenly Jimin was smiling on the screen of the phone.

"Hey TaeTae." He said in a sweet, soft tone. Taehyung smiled and tilted his head. "He baby, how's it going?" He asked as he raked his fingers through his hair.

Jimin's smiled fell and he sighed deepliy. "I'm actuallt regretting getting on that plane..." He rubbed his temple and looked away from the phone.

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