Chapter Two

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  Taehyung dried his fluffy hair with his towel, he got dressed and walked into the hallway. Hearing no sounds of Jimin stirring in the kitchen or the rest of the house, Taehyung decided that he must've gone to sleep.  He tiptoed down the hallway to Jimin's room and slowly opened the door. "Jimmie?" Taehyung whispered, "Are you awake?"  Then he saw Jimin sound asleep, in his usual sleeping position. Taehyung smiled at the adorable site, as soon as he was about to shut the door, he noticed something beside Jimin.

  His journal? Taehyung thought to himself. Having a overwhelming sense of curiosity, he immediately walked over to Jimin's bed, and carefully sat at the foot. He picked up the journal as if it was a piece of fine glass, fragile, and oh so valuable. Wasting no time, he flipped to the most recent page of the colorful book.

  May 30, 2018
  "I found out that Tae loves me... He said so in his journal. I didn't mean to intrude in his thoughts...But I was just so curious as of what he is thinking. He said that he scared that I would reject him, but I would never, ever! The truth is, that I love Tae too... Ever since I can remember, maybe when he saved me from those bullies along time ago, but still... he managed to wedge his way into to my heart some how. I feel safe around him, and hopefully one day I can have the courage to tell him that I love him too."

  Taehyung couldn't believe his eyes. Jimin... His only love... Loves him too. Taehyung's face felt like fire, and for some reason his eyes began to tear. His heart pounded like thunder. "Jimin." He mumbled just low enough for Jimin not to hear him. He couldn't take it any longer. "Jimmie." He bumped Jimin's arm gently, making him flutter his eyes open. "Tae?" Jimin sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What are you- Are you crying!?"  His voice cracked as he scooted closer to his teary eyed hyung. "What's wrong Tae Tae!?"  Taehyung handed him the journal, and looked into his perfect brown eyes. "Is it true Jimmie? Do you really love me?"  A tear rolled down his cheek. Jimin looked at him, and then back at the journal.  His chubby cheeks were bright red. "Y-Yes. I do Tae."  Jimin looked up at him, then stared down at his hands as his fiddled with his thumbs.

"I read your journal too..." Jimin said.  "I'm sorry." He looked away from Taehyung, thinking that he must he angry with him for reading something so sensitive.  But suddenly... Taehyung yanked Jimin closer to him, and gave a long passionate kiss. Jimin's breath seemed to be sucked right out of him, and his heart stopped beating for a second, but soon he just melted into the kiss. Taehyung's strong arms pulled him closer, to where their bodies pressed together. Taehyung cupped one side of Jimin's jaw smashing his lips harder against Jimin's.  "You don't have to be sorry." Taehyung whispered as he hugged Jimin. When he pulled away, Jimin wiped the tears off of Taehyung's face. "I love you Tae." Jimin smiled. "I love you too Jimmie."  Taehyung went back in for another kiss, but this time he was more aggressive, he nibbled on Jimin's thick bottom lip, making him moan a little. The sound lit a fire in Taehyung that was already blazing hot.

"Tae.." Jimin breathed as Taehyung leaned him back against the head board. "What?"  Taehyung asked giving Jimin small pecks on his jaw line.

  "Please, don't hold back."

  Taehyung's heart dropped, he instantly knew what Jimin wanted... And he was going to give it to him.

  "Taehyung!" Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck like it was his only life line to live. Taehyung was bigger than Jimin thought he was. The massive pain in Jimin's lower half reminded him not to make assumptions ever again. Pure pleasure seeped into Taehyung with every loud moan from Jimin. it just motivated him to make Jimin feel even better. he was going to let Jimin see just how much he loves him. "Jimmie." Tae breathed as he gently sucked on his collarbone. "I'm I hurting you?"  He stopped to catch his breath. Jimin dug his red hot face into the crook of Taehyung's neck. He shook his head. "N-no," He whimpered. But Taehyung could feel his leg trembling beneath him. "You're just so...Big."  Jimin finally said kissing Taehyung's neck.  This made Taehyung smirk. "Tell me if it's to much for you babe."  Babe? Taehyung called me babe? Jimin thought, he couldn't help but smile. Taehyung didn't hold back after his lover said he wasn't in pain.

With each thrust of his hips, their moan became one, and the sweater they got. Taehyung wanted to know every curve of Jimin, every freckle or mole he had on him. His hands gripped Jimin's thick thighs making Jimin whimper. "Taehyung..." Jimin whispered. "Say it again." Taehyung kissed his mess of a lover. "Taehyung!" Jimin made Taehyung feel powerful... Overwhelming pleasure came from hearing his name come out of Jimin's mouth like that. It was unbearable.

  Taehyung finally came. His tired body collapsed on top of a heavy breathing Jimin, "Tae... You are amazing." Jimin ran his fingers through Taehyung's damp hair. But Taehyung was already fast asleep. Jimin smiled, "Good night Tae Tae." Then he gave him a soft kiss on the head.

The early morning sun shone through the window, hitting Jimin's face with a warm welcome. But Jimin felt something much warmer wrapped around him... Taehyung's arms. When Jimin opened his eyes, he saw Taehyung sleeping so peacefully. The sunlight making his tan-ish skin glow.  He didn't want to wake him up, but he wanted to fix breakfast for him. After him coming home last night, be tired and then....

  Jimin contemplated on whether or not it'd be worth it to just go ahead and wake him up. But then what surprise would breakfast in bed be?
Jimin successfully unwrapped himself from Taehyung's grip, not even getting a stir out of Taehyung as he snuck into the kitchen to make his love breakfast, after last night, Jimin had to do something to thank Taehyung.

  "Waffles, bacon, scrambled eggs, a bagel, sausage, grits, and hash browns." Jimin smiled in satisfactory at the feast that was ready for Taehyung.  He just had to fix his orange juice then take it to him. As Jimin got the glass and the juice ready, a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind, and yanked him backwards. "Ah! Jimin yelped. It was Taehyung. "Something smells good Jimmie," He whispered into Jimin's ear. Jimin smiled, and pulled Taehyung's arms tighter around him. "It might be the bacon." Jimin giggled and kissed The half awake Taehyung in the cheek. Taehyung smiled down at Jimin, wondering how he could get so lucky.

  "All of this is for me?" Taehyung stared wide eyed at the breakfast Jimin made for him. "Yep!" Jimin chirped. "I can't possibly eat all of this Jimmie." Taehyung laughed, and started to eat the delicious breakfast. "Well, whatever you don't eat I will." Jimin said in a matter of a fact tone.
"Are you going anywhere today Jimmie?" Taehyung asked with a mouth full of waffles. "No, I wanted to stay home with you and cuddle." Jimin pouted and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck from behind. "I was going to ask if you wanted to go shopping, but cuddling sounds nice too." Taehyung grinned. "Shopping!?" Jimin instantly perked up at his favorite word. "Yeah, do you want to?" Taehyung took a sip of orange juice.  "Yeah! I've been wanting some new clothes anyway!" He smiled and skipped off to his room to get dressed.

  Jimin came back a few minutes later looking adorable- no... Sexy as ever. Black ripped jeans, his black beanie, a plane white tee, his red Converse, shades, and the choker around his neck... made Taehyung want to fuck him right then and there. "Come on slow poke, I'm ready to go!"  He sat on the couch and waited for Taehyung to finish breakfast.

"I'm trying! You made me so much!" Taehyung laughed, and Jimin laughed too. Finally, Taehyung was full and he went to the back to get dressed.

  "Where to first hmmm?" Jimin asked excitingly as he sat in the passenger seat and buckled up. "I don't know, where do you want to go first?"
"The mall!!" Jimin beamed, and so off to the mall they were.

"Wow, it feels like I've been stuck in that apartment for days!" Jimin groaned as he stretched his legs in the parking lot. Taehyung smiled. "You technically have, whens the last time you've actually went some where Jimmie?" Jimin looked into the air thinking. "Maybe a week ago." He shrugged his shoulders. "A week ago!?" Taehyung gawked.  Jimin nodded. "Yeah," He began to walk toward the mall without a single care in the world. "Why didn't you tell me you needed to go somewhere?"  Taehyung caught up to Jimin. "Well, you're always so busy... I don't want you to feel like I'm keeping you from your work." Jimin looked away. Taehyung entwined his fingers into Jimin's "i will always have time for you Jimmie, you've never been a burden to me."  Taehyung smiled just as Jimin smiled back and Taehyung kissed him on the cheek. "Aww... Thanks Tae Tae," Jimin cooed.

  They both happily walked into the mall, and it's a good thing Taehyung brought his credit card... Cause Jimin was feeling special today.

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