Chapter Four

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       Taehyung smiled at the memory, the first time he met the love of his life. He carefully wrapped the picture and put it in a box. Taehyung was going to miss this penthouse apartment, he looked at the empty kitchen, and half empty living room. He let out a sigh as he packed the rest of the things up.

  Jimin slept for hours, four to be exact. Taehyung checked on him regularly to make sure he was okay. Jimin finally woke up to boxes stacked high in the kitchen and living room. "Tae?" Jimin rubbed his still sleepy eyes as he walked around looking for Taehyung. He finally noticed the sticky note on the counter.

  Gone to the store, I'll bring you something back

  Jimin groaned, he couldn't stand when Taehyung was away. He might seem a little clingy, but he didn't care. He wanted his Taehyung by his side. So, Jimin sulked back to the room and plopped on the bed, but he couldn't possibly fall back to sleep after four hours of rest. So he just laid there and waited for Taehyung to get back. The truth was that he was scared of being alone. Jimin has so many insecurities that it wasn't even funny. What if Taehyung leaves one day and never comes back? What if I'm not good enough? what if he finds someone else?  Those questions run through his head every day, even though he knows Taehyung loves him more than anything on earth.

  It's just that one percent possibly that scares the shit out of Jimin. He laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. He let out a sigh.

Knock knock...

There was a knock at the door, Jimin's heart jumped. It couldn't be Taehyung, he'd just walk right on in. So, Jimin walked to the front door and opened it.
"Jin!" Jimin's eyes lit up at the sight of his older brother and his boyfriend Namjoon. "Jiminie!"  Jin scooped his younger little brother up in a  tight hug. The Jimin turned to Namjoon and hugged him too. "Hey Jimin." Namjoon smiled, showing off those dimples everyone loves. "What are you guys doing here?" Jimin opened the door wider, letting them in. "I can't stop by and see my little bro?" Jin chuckled. Jimin rolled his eyes. "I didn't say you couldn't, it's just a surprise to see you Jin Jin!" Jimin hugged his brother again, they rarely see each other because Jin works over seas a lot. Jimin usually gets to see Jin only on the holidays.

  "How is every thing going hmm?" Jin said sitting next to Namjoon on the couch that had yet to be moved. "Uh, good I guess." Jimin gestured to the apartment.  "Where's Taehyung at?"  Namjoon added. Jimin perked his eyebrows. "He went to the store a couple of minutes ago, he should be back soon."  Jimin sat next to Jin. "Wow, the last time I saw you guys was last Christmas! I've missed you both!"  Jimin could help but to hug his older brother again. "I have missed you too Jimnie."  Jin said hugging Jimin back. "So what brings you both this way? Besides me of course." Jimin fluttered his eyes.

Jin slightly bit his lip and smiled as he looked over at Namjoon who was also smiling. "Well, I wanted to tell you the good news in person," Jin squeezed Namjoon's hand.  "What is it?" Jimin scooted closer.

"Me and Namjoon are getting married!"  Jin said with pure excitement, Jimin couldn't be happier for his brother. Namjoon was such a good man for him. "OH MY GOSH! I'M SO HAPPY!!!" Jimin hugged his brother, and brother in-law.  "When's the wedding?" Jimin chirped. "Next month." Namjoon wrapped his arm around Jin's broad shoulders. "Ooo~ A spring wedding how romantic!"   Jimin bumped his brother's arm. "Speaking of romantic."  Jin pulled out his phone and scrolled through his camera roll to a recent picture of Jimin and Taehyung sharing a kiss. "When were you going to tell me that you and Taehyung were a thing?" Jin raise his eyebrow.  "I was going to." Jimin's cheeks blushed, "I've just been so busy, working on my music, packing our things, helping Taehyung out with some new fashion designs, it's really tiring." Jimin sighed.

  Just then the door opened to see Taehyung come inside with some Starbucks, and pizza. "Jimmie I'm-" He turned to the living room to see Jin and Namjoon, and his face instantly grew into a smile. "Hey guys!!!"   Taehyung's boxy smiled lightened the room. "Hey Tae!" Jimin jumped up and ran to his lover, being careful not to spill their drinks. "Hey Jimmie," Taehyung gave Jimin a gentle kiss before walked over to the couch to greet his friends.  "Wow, it's been forever!"  He smiled wider, giving Jin and Namjoon warm hugs. "It's good to see you two after such a long time," Taehyung sat back, putting his arm around Jimin. "They are getting married next month!" Jimin squealed.  Taehyung's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really? Congrats!"

  "Oh thanks Tae," Jin said giving Namjoon a kiss. "So uh, Taehyung?"  Jin looked over at Taehyung tilting his head a bit. "Yeah?" The absent minded Taehyung looked at his elder. "I hope you don't intend on hurting my little brother in any type of way."  A sudden dark glare broke the happiness that flooded the atmosphere.  Taehyung has never been scared of the jolly Jin, but today, the way he was looking at Taehyung. Taehyung gulped, "Of course not!" Taehyung looked at Jimin and his cheeks slightly blushing. "Jiinnie..." Jimin groaned, and threw his head back. "What? I'm just making sure that my little brother has the right man for him," Jin let out a terrifyingly dark chuckle. "Because I swear to god... If Taehyung is the cause of your tears someday, I'll make him wish his mother was on birth control." 

"Damn," Namjoon laughed.  Taehyung just stared in horror at the unfamiliar Jin, surely Jin knew Taehyung has absolutely not intention of making Jimin cry... In a negative way at least.

  "Calm down Jin, I'm not gonna make My Jimmie cry." Taehyung tried on a brave smile. Jimin smiled back at Taehyung. Jin looked at Taehyung unconvinced. "Okay, I believe you, just hear my warning, nothing is more precious or more innocent than that man sitting next to you." Jin pointed at Jimin, Taehyung wanted to laugh, Precious maybe, but innocent? Hell nah. Jimin knew just how to turn Taehyung on, he knew how to seduce him into anything, if that is innocent then Taehyung is fucking pure.

"Yeah, yeah I understand." Taehyung nodded, he glanced at his "innocent" boyfriend smiling so adorably, hell at first glance you could believe he was innocent.

  "Okay then!" Jin's mood suddenly brightened, and Taehyung exhaled. "Do you guys need any help moving anything?" Namjoon asked standing up. "Yeah, we'll be in town for a few days, we don't mind helping out." Jin stood along with Taehyung and Jimin. "Uh yeah that would be great!" Jimin beamed. "Taehyungie has been working really hard the last few days." Taehyung gawked. "Excuse me? No, you are the one who's been busting your ass, I only get a little credit." Taehyung smiled.

  "Oh, well that is like Jimin, always working." Jin smiled and took off his jacket, "So, where do we begin?" 

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