Chapter 40

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Taehyung and Jimin eventually made it back to their table, no one even questioning, or even noticing where they were.

"Ahh... Thank you Tae, I feel much better now.." Jimin laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Good..." Taehyung said kissing the blonde's head.

"I can't wait to get back home..." Jimin whinned and pouted a bit.

"We'll go home in the morning okay?" Taehyung said finishing his drink.

"We're coming back for the movie premier right?" Jimin looked up at Taehyung with sweet brown eyes.

"Of course baby." He said playing with his hair.

A few days later...

"Ya know... You could've told me Park Jimin could hold his alcohol well."

Ji-Sung twirled her finger around a long lock of her thick hair.

"I thought you had eveything under control." Yoongi's voice sounded even more disappointing through the phone. He clenched his hands into fists and looked out his window.

"It's not my fault." She hissed back and took a sip of soju from her bottle.

Yoongi sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Don't worry I'll come up with another plan... And try not to fuck this one up." He said walking up the stairs to his room.

Ji-Sung smirked and hung up the phone.

"Oh, must be nice for someone to love you like Min Yoongi loves Park Jimin..." She sighed and took another sip of her drink.

"I told you not to touch him like that." Yoongi gritted his teeth... Remebering what Ji-Sung said happened that night with Jimin.

She sucked her teeth, "Oh please Min, you couldn't possibly think that I wouldn't have a little fun while I Jimin to my disposal." She giggled lightly.

"Do it again... And the deal is off." He said in a dark tone as he sat on his bed.

She rolled her eyes, "fine... My bad..." She groaned, tapping her polished fingers on her table.

"Don't worry Ji, with this new plan, you'll have Kim Taehyung all to yourself."

"Oh?" He brows perked as she sat up in her chair. "Care to explain?" She smirked.

"No, not over the phone, in person, meet me next week at the café down the street." He sighed.

"Okay see ya there!" She beamed and hung up her phone.

"Hyung? Who was that?" Jungkook poked his head from around the corner, curious to who Yoongi was talking to.

Yoongi stuck his phone in his pocket, "Nothing Kook, get your shit if you wanna go see Jimmie and Taehyung." Yoongi said grabbing his coat.

Jungkook's heart jumped. "They're home!?" He beamed. "Why didn't Jimin text me?" Jungkook checked his phone to see no new messages.

Yoongi shrugged, "Why the fuck would I know?" Yoongi griminced at his younger brother.

Jungkook shrugged and grabbed his hoodie. He's been waiting for so long just to get a glimps at Taehyung. He didn't know why, but he just had this unvolentary draw to taehyung that he couldn't explain.

"Are you ready kook?" Yoongi stood at the door, "Yeah!" Jungkook smiled and walked out the door.

Jimin was cuddled up to Taehyung as they both sat on the couch and relaxed. They came home a few days ago, but they didn't want to tell anyone because they wanted some time to themselves.

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