Chapter 30

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Taehyung curled up next to Jimin in the silky off white sheets, taking in the sweet smell of his skin. Nothing could make him feel happier than laying beside his only love.

"Baby?" Taehyung asked in his ear, Jimin turned to face him wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist. "Hmm?" He asked putting his ear to Taehyung's chest and listening to his soothing heart beat.

"You know I love you right?" He played with his soft brown locks. Jimin smiled, "of course i do Tae, I love you too."

Jimin felt so much better about what happened, he was so scared Taehyung was going to be mad at him, but everything is okay... Now Jimin was worried about what Taehyung would do if he saw Ji-Sung again...


  Jungkook sat on the couch, worried about what was going on with Jimin ....

  He bit the inside of his cheek and leaned back on the soft fluff of the cushion.

"Everything okay?" Hoseok sat beside him, putting away his phone.

Jungkook looked over at With his wide doe eyes, "Yeah, just thinking." He said leaning forward.  "Care to share?" Hoseok raised his eyebrow at the red head.

  "It's nothing to worry about Hobi." Jungkook gave him a reassuring smile. "You sure?" He patted his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Okay, well if you say so..?" Hoseok eyed the younger, taking in his sharp jawline ane small smile.

Hoseok got up and walked into the kitchen and was talking with Yoongi. Jungkook could only make out a few parts of their conversation.

  "I think something is wrong with Kook."

"You go talk to him."

"He seemed fine."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and went up stairs, lying in his bed facing the ceiling. Pretty soon sleepiness pulled at his heavy eyelids and he fluttered to sleep.

It's warm... So warm. Jungkook felt the warmth radiating through him as he felt the morming sun on his cheek.

He felt another body pressed to his back, 'who is this?' He asked himself as he turned around to face....


His smile made butterflies in jungkook's stomach... And made his heart fail to beat.

"Good morning... Baby.."

His voice was so deep and husky that jungkook's chest shake. Without thinking... Jungkook reached out and pressed his fingers to Taehyung's lips, feeling the soft warmth.

Taehyung closed his eyes and opened them as he gently grabbed Jungkook's hand, kissing every one of his fingertips.

  "I love you.." Taehyung whispered.

  Jungkook shot up from his dream, looking around frantic. He ran his fingers through his hair as his heart slowed back down and he realized he was the only one in his bed.

He took a deep breath, feeling the air return to his lungs, and the heat retreat from his cheeks.

"What the fuck?" He asked himself leaning back down.

"Why the hell did I have a dream of... Taehyung?"

He ran his hands down his face and turned over to try and go back to sleep.

"Get out of my head Tae.."

  Taehyung opened his eyes... Jimin was fast asleep in his arms yet, he couldn't sleep a wink.

He felt like something was wrong... Something in his mind kept running around like floods of emotions.

He couldn't make it out, he felt anger, sadness, happiness... All at once. He snuggled closer to Jimin, his warmth comforting most of his thoughts.

Sure... He wasn't mad at Jimin for what happened. Taehyung knows what alcohol can do to someone...

But his heart can't help but to make him insecure...


The morning started early for Jimin and Taehyung, they both got up at 4 o'clock in the morning.

"Morning Tae." Jimin smiled and tossed the covers off of them both.
Taehyung recoiled, feeling the icey chill of wind on his legs.

"Are you comimg with me to the shoot today?" Jimin asked from the bathroom as he cleaned his face.

Taehyung stretched, letting out a loud yawn. "If you want me to, Taehyung didn't mind going to the shooting with him...but he he didn't want to see Ji-Sung's filthy hands anywhere near Jimin...

"It's okay if you don't want too, I mean you can always stay here." Jimin came out of the batgroom dressed in a white tee and ripped jeans.

"I came here to make sure you are safe and that's what I'm gonna do." Taehyung got up and got dressed. Jimin smiled.

"Okay," Jimin giggled and grabbed his things as he waited for Taehyung.

"You ready baby? Taehyung asked pulling his hoodie over his head .

"Waiting on you." Jimin smiled making Taehyung's heart squeeze.

"Let's go."

They both got into the limo and went to the studio where Jimin and Taehyung scurried off to the changing room.

"So this is gonna be one of the last shots you're doing?" Taehyung asked as he sat on the small couch.

Jimin nodded as he changed in to his outfit. He looked so good.

A pair of tight ripped blue jeans, a black shirt covered by a leather jacket. Taehyung licked his lip and smiled.

"That looks good on you babe." He sat up a little.

Jimin looked over his shoulder and smiled brightly. "What doesn't look good on me?" He fluttered his eyelids and smirked.

"So modest." Taehyung laughed. "But you're not wrong." Taehyung gestured for Jimin to sit in his lap.
Jimin happily obeyed and sat in his lap, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck.

"I love you.." Taehyung cupped Jimin's cheek, Jimin leaned on his hand and smiled. "I love you more." He leaned down and kissed Taehyung, Taehyung returning the kiss.

Taehyung put his hand on Jimin's hips and pulled him closer.

"Aish!" Jimin broke the kiss. "Not here Tae." Jimin whispered softly in Taehyung's ear.

"Why not?" Taehyung whispered as he bit jimin's ear.

"Nmm." Jimin whined and griped Taehyung's shoulder.

"And? Maybe I want them to hear my name out of those pretty lips."

Taehyung smirked.

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