Yoongi + Jungkook short

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"Ah! Jungkook come on before dad gets home!" A fifteen year old Yoongi stood at the window looking for headlights.

"Hold on bubba I'm coming!" Jungkook came hoping around the corner, pulling on the tongue of his old, worn out black converse sneaker.

"I told you to be ready!" Yoongi thumbed the eleven year old's forehead.

"Ack-! I'm sorry!" He said with a pout, he rubbed the red spot on his forehead.

"Let's go." Yoongi said, he put on a black baseball cap and quickly walked out the door.

The two boys hurried down the street, Yoongi holding Jungkook's hand tightly.

"Bubba where are we going?" Jungkook looked at Yoongi a little frightened about going out so late. He kept his gaze on the ink black alley ways, and corners, worried about what possiblities lie ahead.

"Away from dad," Yoongi said scanning the area around them. "It's a friends house." He said looking at his little brother.

"Oh," Jungkook looked at the ground, "Won't dad be mad that we left?" He tilted his head up at Yoongi.

The older stopped and turned to Jungkook. "Look, dad is probably gonna come home drunk..." He said putting his hands on his shoulders. "He'll start hitting you again..." He said grazing his fingers on the small purple-ish bruise on Jungkook's cheek.

"And I'm not taking any chances..." He said holding his hand again. Jungkook looked up at his brother and then looked ahead of him as they began to walk into a nice neighborhood. The houses were one or two stories... Much more luxurious than what Yoongi and Jungkook's little apartment.

Yoongi lead Jungkook up the grey steps of a yellow, two story house with black shutters.

Yoongi looked down at Jungkook and then at the door, giving the door three knocks, and then a pause... Then another three knocks.

Jungkook could hear the pitter patter of footsteps rushing to the door.

The door opened quickly, a short, pink haired boy with dark eyes opened the door. His plump lips were stretched into a toothy grin, and his eyes disappeared into cresents on his face.

"Yoongi!" The boy squealed and opend the door wider.
Jungkook looked up at his brother and saw something he rarely sees... A smile plastered on his brother's face. Jungkook stared back at the boy.

"Jimin," Yoongi said with a soft tone and pulled the boy into a tight hug.

"Jimin, this is my little brother Jungkook, he's only two years younger than you.." Yoongi said patting Jungkook's head. "Hi kookie! Nice to meet you!" Jimin patted his head too.

Jungkook quickly swatted both their hands away. "Yah-ah! I'm not a baby!" Jungkook whined and pouted.

Jimin and Yoongi both giggled and looked up at each other.

"Your parents home?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah they're asleep," Jimin said gesturing for the two boys to enter.

"They said they didn't mind if you and Kook have to get away to come here." Jimin said as the two boys were standing in the foryor of Jimin's house.

"That's why we're here.." Yoongi said guiding Jungkook into the house.

"I'll go get some blankets and pillows...Uhmm Kookie there's some snacks and drinks in the kitchen, help yourself." Jimin smiled and ran upstairs.

Jungkook looked up at Yoongi for approval, "Go ahead Kook." Yoongi said ruffling his the youngers soft, brown hair. Jungkook smiled and ran into the kitchen and got a pudding cup and a can of coke.

"Yoongs? Who is that?" Jungkook gestured upstairs.
Yoongi took a bite out of his pudding cup.

"Like I said.... He's my friend." Yoongi said looking down into the cup of half eaten pudding.

A few minutes later, Jimin came down stairs and smiled at the two, "Uhm, your beds are ready, and if you need to take a shower you have your own in your rooms." He walked over to Yoongi.

"Thanks Jimin," Yoongi smiled...

Jungkook sat there in shock at the smile on yoongi's face.

"It's no problem," Jimin smiled back.

"Jungkook hurry up so you can get washed up." Yoongi said snapping the boy out of his trance. "O-oh yeah sorry.." Jungkook hurried and finished his pudding.

Jimin lead Jungkook up the steps and into a big room with a huge bed. "Whoa..." Jungkook said in amazement. "This is your room for when you come over, and your bathroom is through those doors." Jimin pointed and lead him in to the bathroom.

"Thanks Jimin," Jungkook looked up at Jimin. "It's no problem, you're a cutie." Jimin said turning on the hot water.

"I've got it from here jimin..." Jungkook said taking off his shirt.

"Okay, well towels are in this cabinet and rags too," Jimin smiled. "Thanks." Jungkook said.

Jimin saw the bruises and scars on Jungkook's sides and back. His heart broke as he imagined their father kicking Jungkook on the floor.

"You're welcome." Jimin said shutting the door and walking back down the steps.

Yoongi was laying on the couch, half asleep. "Yoongi?" Jimin walked over to the edge of the couch. The sound of Jimin's voice made yoongi open one of his eyes.

"Come here.." Yoongi said holding out his hand to Jimin, Jimin took his hand and laid down beside Yoongi cuddling close.

"Why don't you come live with me?" He said in a small voice. Yoongi rubbed Jimin's back.

"Babe... That's putting you endanger too," yoongi sighed. "I'm not taking a chance..." He played with Jimin's pink hair.

"I saw Jungkook's bruises..." Jimin sniffed bitting back tears. "Why does he do that?" He looked up at Yoongi, running his thumb over the bruise on his bottom lip.

Yoongi held his hand. "Because he has no one esle to blame..." Yoongi said, kissing the back of Jimin's hand.

"It isn't fair..." Jimin pouted and put his head on Yoongi's chest. "No one should be treated like this..." He said gripping yoongi's shirt.

"Jimin, we'll be okay..." Yoongi patted his head.

Jimin looked back up at Yoongi and kissed his lips. Yoongi kissed back, cupping Jimin's cheeks.

"I love you Yoongi.." Jimin said in a soft tone.

"I love you too Jimin."

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