Chapter 51

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The alarm clock screeched throughout the large room, Taehyung squinted open his eyes and looked out the window to see that the sun hadn't come up yet. The sky was still a dark inky black, with a few irregular bands of dark blues with stars that blinked back at him.

He sat up and stretched, running his fingers through his hair slowly. He turned his head to the side and saw Jimin still cuddled up next to him. His baby cheeks were a soft pink, his lips were a few shades darker than his cheeks. Taehyung let put a deep sigh as he placed his large hand on his lover's shoulder. He was contemplating on weither or not he should wake him up. But his flight leaves at five in the morning...

Most of Jimin's things were already packed and down stairs ready to go. Taehyung is dreading every painful second he has to sit there and look at his adorable partner, because he is going to miss him... Sooo much.

"Hey baby," Taehyung whispered softly.

"I'm awake." Jimin mumbled with his eyes still closed, Taehyung smiled softly and kissed Jimin's forehead. "Good morning." He said in a low husky voice, which made Jimin smile and open his dark eyes.

"Good morning," he said in a small tone as he scrunched up his shoulders.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin tightly, burrying his face into the crook of Jimin's neck. "I wish you didn't have to go." Taehyung murmured into Jimin's milky skin.

Jimin ruffled Taehyung's dark, soft locks, entangling his small fingers through his hair.

"Me too." Jimin said quietly as he took in the moment of silence that fell over both of them.

"We should get up." Jimin said as he glanced at the clock and gently petted the back of Taehyung's hair.

"Hmm..." Taehgung hummed in response not wanting to acknowledge Jimin's statement. He just wrapped his arms tighter around Jimin's narrow waist.

"Tae~" Jimin whinned amd pouted a little. "Come on, I have to take a shower..." Taehyung sighed and let go hesitantly. "Fine, you win." He smiled and flipped the covers off of his legs. He stood up and stretched in the warm, golden light of the sun that was shining through the window.

"I love you." Jimin said as he hugged Taehyung's waist, planting the side of his cheek into his broad shoulder blades.

"I love you too baby," Taehyung held Jimin's small hands in place on his torrso.

"I'll make you breakfast." Taehyung turnes around and cupped Jimin's cheeks, gently grazing his thumb over the plushness of Jimin's cheeks.

Jimin beamed, his smile made his eyes dissapear as usual. The sigh made Taehyung's heart tense, and churn in his chest.

"How am I going to survive six months without him?"

Taehyung asked himself as he walked down the stairs. He let out a long as he took each step down the steps. He was dreading this day, this night, and everything that didn't involve Jimin.

Jimin's thoughts were scrambled at the moment. He was excited for the tour... But be was going to miss Taehyung so much.

He leaned his head back so that the hot water would flow over his face. Soothing the headache forming in the center of his brain.

When he finally made it down stairs, Taehyung was standing at the counter finishing up Jimin's breakfast.

Jimin smiled and walked over, he leaned against the counter and smiled even brighter up at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked over at him and smiled, then went back to making Jimin's breakfast.

Jimin leaned back, tilting his head more to see more of Taehyung's face.
Taehyung's lips spread into a wide smile.

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