Chapter Twenty One

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I just have to day one thing about this picture....

Deeeeaaaammmnnnn .....🙈🙉🙊💦🌟👅👌🔥

💆👈 see that? That's my wig.... Being snatched. 


"Yah! Seojin!!" Jimin called to a very handsome guy in the middle of the crowd.

Taehyung had been trailing his fluffy little biscuit all over this damn dinning hall for hours, talking to people that he doesn't even know, but they know him so it made it every akward for him.

"Hey Jimin, hows it going?" Seojin smiled and sucked down some red wine. His dark hair was slicked back, and his black suit made his eyes pop.

"I'm tired, but soooo ready for shooting to be over with!" Jimin laughed.

"Isn't that? Kim Taehyung?" Seojin squinted his eyes at Taehyung as he met him with a smile.

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend." Jimin looped his arm into Taehyung's.

"It's a pleasure to met you sir, I am a big fan of your line of work, matter of a fact I have on the new shoes you just released." He laughed and showed off his shiney black shoes with gold patterns on them.

Seojin stuck out his hand and Taehyung didn't hesitate to shake.

"Oh, thank you very much, it's always a pleasure to meet my fans." Taehyung gave him a boxy smile.

"Oh Jimin!"

"Yeah?" Jimin smiled at Seojin

"Sung-Ji, she was looking for you just a minute ago."

Seojin pointed over towards the bar.

"Oh, okay I guess that's were we're headed next." Jimin smiled.

Taehyung was dreading this moment... The time where he had to meet the woman that has kissed his baby over and over again...

He just wished that all of this was a dream now. All the pretty people in groups talking and gossiping.... All the red wine, and white crystal chandeliers.... The soft voilin music in the air....

The smell of strong perfume, women in beautiful dresses and men in their perfect suits....

And Jimin, So happy to show off the woman that kissed him to Taehyung.

Jimin thinks it doesn't bother Taehyung, because Taehyung was the one that gave him permission to do this anyway right?

Taehyung knew exactly which person Sung-Ji was when he saw her....

Jimin didn't even have to point her out....

Long brown hair with blonde tips, a curvy body with a crimson red dress hugging very inch of her, her pink lips caressing the white wine glass, and her dark eyes locked on to Jimin as they got closer.

"Jimmie!!! I haven't seen you in days!" Her voice was like silk... But to Taehyung it was the most disgusting thing he has ever heard.

"Yeah, I've been very busy the last few days with photoshoots and press confrences." He smiled and she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

Taehyung was uncomfortable when she called him Jimmie.... But now... She's taken it to a new level ....

"Sung-Ji, this is my boyfriend-"

"Kim Taehyung, of course, Jimin I could see him from a mile away, he is the most striking man in the room." She held out her hand and taehyung reluctantly shook.

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