Chapter 60

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A week before the fashion show...

  Jimin was sitting on his hotel bed waiting for Tesu to say it was time to head back to South Korea for the last portion of the tour.
A huge smile spread across his lips as he thought of Taehyung's hungry kisses against his lips.

Jiminwas more than exhausted, he felt like he was hit by a train, and then a plane crash landed on him and burned.

But he knew he only had a few more shows left. And then, him and Taehyung could go on a loooong vacation...

He could wait to see Taehyung's boxy smile and dark eyes.

  "Hey Jimin all your stuff his packed and ready." Tesu came into his room with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

Jimin grimaced,"Jee, glad I wasn't butterball butt ass naked when you walked in." Jimin grabbed his jacket, ballcap, and his sunglasses and walked past Tesu into the hallway.

"Why are you wearing your sunglasses? There's gray clouds outside." Tesu said walking beside him.

Jimin glared over the rim of his sunglasses. "Does it look like I give two fucks if it's going to rain or not? The rain can fucking wait- my outfit can't." Jimin pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose and picked his pace up to pass Tesu.

  Tesu recoiled at Jimin's sudden snap. "Whoa there hotshot," Tesu jogged to catch up with him. "Who pissed in your applejacks?" Tesu asked raising one of his dark brows.

Jimin sighed, "Shit Tesu I'm sorry... When I get tired I start acting like my brother." Jimin said rubbing his temple with his thumb.

Tesu tilted his head, "What's got you so worked up buddy?" Tesu put his hand on Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin looked at him and sighed. "I'm just ready to be home, snuggled up to my beautiful boyfriend, eating a huge burger with a side of fries...." Jimin spaced out his hands to show exactly how big he wanted his burger to be.

"I know Jimin, believe me, I gotta girl back home waiting on me too, so let's make these last few shows ridiculously amazing so we can go home." Tesu smiled and ruffled Jimin's hair as he walked by.

"Wait," Jimin said with a surprised tone following after Tesu. "You have a girlfriend?" Jimin askes raising his eyebrows.

"I'm going to ignore the emphasized "you" in that sentence because I feel like you were insulting me with it."


  Jungkook walked down the stairs that morning to get breakfast, he paused at the base of the steps and saw Hoseok sleeping on the couch.

"Poor Hobi..." Jungkook's face fell into a sad expression as he passed his best friend. Hoseok had refused to sleep anywhere else ever since Yoongi left, just in case he came back- Hoseok would be the first one to hug him as tight as he could.

  Jungkook pulled a fluffy blanket up over Hoseok's body so he wouldn't get cold. He looked down at the now brunette, noticing the tear stains under his eyes. Jungkook hates how Yoongi's absence has made Hoseok. It's like the bright light in his smile and his laugh was smothered by darkness...

Jungkook hadn't seen a smile on Hoseok's face in 5 months... That's an eternity in Hope World months.

And there was nothing- nothing- Jungkook could do to bring the smile back to his best friend's face. And it broke Jungkook's heart that he felt so hopeless... So useless.

  "Hey Hobi," Jungkook said placing a gentle hand on Hoseok's shoulder. The brunette's eyelids fluttered open and his eyes rolled lazily up to Jungkook.

"Hmm?" Hoseok asked not stirring a bit.

"You gotta eat something Hobs..." Jungkook said rubbing his shoulder genlty.

"No I don't, not unless... Not unless Yoongi is here." Hoseok tensed and curled into a tighter ball.

Jungkook sighed. "I know you miss him... I do too... But you can't starve yourself..." Jungkook said still standing over the back of the couch.

Hoseok didn't utter another word to the younger. Finally, Jungkook stepped away to make himself some cereal and a bowl of fruit.

Right when he was abot to take the last bite of cereal, he heard the sound of car a car door shutting in their driveway.

Hoseok slung the blanket off of himself and darted to the door. Jungkook almost choked on the cereal going down his throat as he got up and ran as fast as he could outside.

Hoseok had his entire body wrapped around Yoongi's frame. Yoongi was gladly returning the contricting hug Hoseok was giving him.

  Hoseok burried his face deep into the crook of Yoongi's neck and let the flood gates loose.

  "Why... Why did you leave us?" Hoseok sobbed quietly into Yoongi's ear, his small frame trembling.

  "I'm so sorry Hobi... I nust needed some time..." Yoongi said as he squeezed his eyes shut tight, hating the way he had hurt Hoseok.

   Hoseok couldn't say anything else... He just wanted to hear Yoongi's voice, feel his warmth, and feel his strong arms around him... Just this once. He wanted to feel like he belonged to Yoongi.

  Yoongi's eyes finally met Jungkook's. The younger was a swirling ball of rage and hurt. His big doe eyes were almost black, reflecting his urge to rip Yoongi apart.

"Kook." Yoongi said holding out his free hand to his little brother. That's all it took for the blackness of Jungkook's eyes to fade away, returning to their natural almond beauty. His clentched jaw relaxed along with his balked up fist. Tears started to swell up in the younger's eyes as he stood their and looked at his brother.

His stupid, unnecessarily dense, glow in the dark pale brother.

Yoongi let a small smile curve up the corner of his lip as he waved for his little brother to come over.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, but then he dashed over to the duo who were still hugging and almost tackled both of them as he crushed them in his strong hug.

Now there was Yoongi...

Standing there with both of the most loveable people on the planet, wishing Jimin was there with them too.

He promised both Hoseok and Jungkook that he'd leave like that again. And afterward as they went inside, he got a proper beating from Hoseok with a large, plastic spoon.

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