Chapter 41

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"How long has it been since we've been to a water park hyung?" Jungkook looked over at Yoongi as they sat in the back seat of a van.

"I dunno...two? Three years? I've lost count." Yoongi said leaning his elbow on the window seal, looking out of it.

"I haven't been since i was little!" Hoseok said with a big bright smile, coming from the very back seat.

"I can't wait!!" Jimin turned around from the front passenger seat and smiled. "Me and Hoseok are totally riding the Hurler when we get there!!" Jimin giggled along with Hoseok.

"Yeah... You guys have fun with that, I'm gonna work on my tan." Yoongi said gesturing to his pale skin.

Taehyung looked through the review mirror at the pale guy sitting in the seat, wondering what the hell is going through his mind.

"What about you Tae?"


Jimin's voice snapped him out of the trance he was in.

"What rides are you gonna ride?" Jimin's eyes gleamed.

"Any of the ones you ride baby." Taehyung glanced at Jimin and smiled.

Jungkook stared at the back of Taehyung's head, staring out the window at the skyscapers became boring to him...

"Oh come on Yoongs ride at least ride one ride with me while we're there~" hoseok whined and tugged on his arm. Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I don't want too, water doesn't interest me." He said glancing over at Hoseok's sulking face. "But i guess one ride won't hurt." He said cracking a warm smile at Hoseok.

"Yaaaayyy!" Hoseok wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck putting him in a "choke hold".

"Ya-ah! Let me gooooo~" yoongi went limp and groaned at the bubbly redhead.

Jungkook giggled at the two and went back to staring at Taehyung, just then Taehyung looked through the rear view and his eyes caught Jungkook's. His dark pools beamed into Jungkook's very soul it seemed like, Taehyung could see right through him... The warmth from his beautiful brown eyes devoured Jungkook's gaze. Jungkook stared for a bit too long before he realized who he was staring at. His cheeks flushed and his immediately looked away, bitting on the inside of his cheek.

'What am I doing?'

Jungkook nawed on his cheek in thought.

"You okay Kookie?" Hoseok asked the younger looking concerned. Jungkook snapped his head up and turned to Hoseok.

"Yeah I'm fine!" He said with his usual bunny toothed grin. "Ah okay, you looked a little spaced out there for a sec." Hoseok smiled.

"Don't worry about me hyung I'm fine...."



Hoseok screeched to the top of his lungs as the ride reached the peak of the rail.

"Hyung we haven't even gone down yet!" Jimin laughed as he latched himself to Taehyung who was, on the outside, calm and collective, but on the inside,freaking out.

Jungkook put his hands in the air as Hoseok burried his face into Jungkook's side.

The ride finally went down diving fast down the slope of the rail, so steep it seemed like they were going to plumit right into the ground.

Hoseok's screeching seased, the massive amount of fear flooding his chest, sucked the air straight from his lungs.

Jimin scream was mixed with a terrified giggle, Taehyung remained "unphased" by the sudden plumit, and Jungkook smiled like an idiot and threw his hands into the air.


"Ha." Yoongi laughed as he pointed as a terrified Hoseok as the group walked over to the wading pool where Yoongi was working on his never unachievable tan.

"Shut up." Hoseok and the rest of the group were soaking wet after the ride plunged into a pool of water at the end of the ride.

"I'm just gonna stick with the slides and pools now..." Hoseok shook and sat beside Yoongi.

"That was sooo fun!!" Jungkook bounced happily ready to go on another ride.

"Yeah it was!" Jimin said giggling.

"It was okay." Taehyung shrugged. Yoongi looked up at Taehyung. "Ooh mister tough guy huh?"

Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, you rang?" Jimin laughed. "Oh come on Tae you wanted to scream i saw it all over your face." Jimin hit Taehyung's shoulder gently.

"Nuh uh.." Taehyung crossed his arms and pouted. "Yeah huh." Jimin stood on his tippy toes and kissed Taehyung's lips.

"Aye aye! Get a room you two there's kids out here" yoongi said tossing his flip flop at Taehyung, hitting him in the head.

"Oh shut up grandpa!" Taehyung said tossing it back.

Everyone laughed and decided it was time for lunch.

"Hey guys, they have a hotel here." Hoseok said eatting some cheesey fries.

"And?" Yoongi said taking a sip of his coke. "So... Why don't we spend the night or something? Ya know? Get out the house for awhile." Hoseok shrugged.

"Look, I'm paying for this trip... Does it look like my wallet runs on friendship?" Yoongi said putting his drink down.

"I'll pay for the hotel." Taehyung said taking a huge bite out of his burger.
"Really Tae? You'll do that!?" Hoseok let off a bright smile.

Taehyung smiled,"of course hobi, besides, i think Jimmie could use some time out of the house too." He pulled Jimin close to him as Jimin smiled up at Taehyung.

"Yeah that'd be awesome!" He laughed and stole some of Taehyung's mango smoothie.

Taehyung smiled down at his precious baby boy and kissed the top of his head.

Yoongi glanced up and looked at the two... Wishing that he was the kissing on Jimin.

"I guess I'll go make resavations." Taehyung smiled and got up.

"I'll come with you," Jimin went to get up, but Taehyung put his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "No baby just sit down relax, eat your food okay? I'll be right back." Jimin pouted, "fine..."

Taehyung: Hi guys Tae here, I'm here on author-min's behalf. She hasn't been feeling all to well so she asked me to do the author's note for her!!! She's so happy about The progress of the story so far! And if you could see her smile when she sees the notifications on her phone, you'd smile too! Author-min wants to let everyone know how much she loves her readers, and how she expresses her love for you guys through her writing. Please, if you would don't forget to like, share and vote for the story it really makes her day!!!

Please don't forget to like, share, and vote.


Jungkook: Noona (author-min) will be holding an art contest from here on out.
If you'd like to join or submit your fanart based on the story, please send a picture of your art to her email.

Rules include:
. Art must be based off the story
. It can be 18+
. Doesn't have to be perfect.

All submissions will be posted in their very own chapter of the story with the artist name, regardless if they win or not.

Reminder: This is just for fun💜💜💜😉

Yoongi: Look... If you have any questions for anyone weither it be me, author-min, Taehyung or any other character, this chapter is also going to be a Q&A. So whatever you wanna ask go ahead... No questions are off limits.

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