Chapter 58

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Jimin had never been so glad to see Felix in his entire life....

He and another assistant were carrying several black bags with pink tags on attached to them.

And Felix also had a large latté just for Jimin.

"Felix!" Jimin beamed brightly, hugging the brunette tightly.

"Hey Jimin!" He smiled widely, his pearly white teeth seemed to light up the room.

  "Oh my God!" Jimin groaned. "You can't believe how glad I am to see you!!"

"Uh, I'm here too..." The assistant poked his head out from behind Felix.

"Oh?" Jimin tippy toed to see over Felix.

"Who's this?" Jimin asked tilting his head.

"Oh, this is Changbin, he's the one who tracked down your bags." Felix smiled at the ravenette with the slim face and dull eyes, that lit up when Felix smiled at him.

"Hi Changbin!" Jimin smiled and hugged Changin who was dressed in all black.

"Uh hi?" Changbin looked at Felix with a confused look.

Felix just smiled wider at the social awkwardness of changbin.

"Thank you so much for finding my things!" Jimin said taking a small duffle bag and swaying it a little as he looked up at Changbin.

"Yeah, no problem." He said glancing at Felix.

"Oh and this is for you as well." Felix said handing Jimin the latté.

"Oooh thank you! Honestly Felix I don't know what I would do without you!" Jimin giggled.

  Felix smiled, "I'm only doing my job." He said with a sight blush on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"He is great isn't he?" Changbin said as he wrapped his arm around Felix's waist and pulled him close.

Felix glanced at Changbin blushing even more and gave Changbin a soft kiss on his cheek.

Jimin gasped and covered his mouth, "since when?" Jimin gushed and pointed to the couple.

"It will be two years next week." Changbin looled at Felix foundly who just fiddled with the hem of Changbin's black sweater.

  "TWO YEARS!" Jimin gawked. "Felix you never told me that you had a boyfriend! And for TWO YEARS!!" Jimin stomped his foot at Felix.

Felix laughed nervously. "I- I didn't thibk you'd be interested in my personal life." He got all shy and leaned into Changbin.

Jimin playfully shoved at Felix. "Of course i want to know about you Felix! You're one of my best friends!!" Jimin laughed.

"R-Really?" Felix's eyes lit up and he smiled at Jimin.

"Really!" Jimin smiled back holding his hand. 

"Wow two years." Jimin said admiring the two. "That's amazing!" He bounced on the heels of his feet.

"He makes it easy." Changbin said ruffling Felix's hair. Felix smiled and giggled loudly. Which was Changbin's most favorite sound in the entire universe.

"Awww... I- that's so cute!" Jimin whined. "Come on help me put my bags inside I'll take everyone out to breakfast." Jimin swirled around.

"Oh no Jimin it's fine-" Felix started.

"No! I'm taking you two out to eat! Consider it a treat!!" Jimin said as he bounced to the room with his duffle bag.

Felix and Changbin both smiled and followed Jimin into the room.

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