Chapter 68

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The warmth of the sun made Jimin wake up from a deep sleep, the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes was Yoongi's soft face.

He was still asleep, breathing lightly. Jimin smiled as he brushed his fingers against Yoongi's cheek. Yoongi slowly reached up and held Jimin's hand in place.

Yoongi opened his eyes. "Good morning..." He smiled and kissed Jimin's finger tips.

Jimin smiled and snuggled closer to him. "Good morning." He said placing a soft kiss on Yoongi's lips. "How'd you sleep?" Yoongi asked wrapping his arm around Jimin's waist.

"Fine..." Jimin averted jis gaze, bitting his bottom lip.

"What's wrong dumpling?" Yoongi sat up on his elbows and lifted Jimin's chin so he'd look at him.

"Nothing... It's just..." Jimin looked away again.

"Just what baby? Tell me..." Yoongi said pulling Jimin closer.

"I'm sorry... That I haven't..." Jimin blushed darkly, "Ya know..." He started to fiddle with his fingers.

"Oh baby, don't feel sorry okay?" Yoongi smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "I'll wait until you're ready- no rush..." Yoongi said running his thumb over Jimin's bottom lip.

"Thank you..." Jimin smiled foundly at him and kissed him again.

"Of course baby boy... I understand that you aren't ready for that yet." Yoongi said getting out of bed. 

Jimin follwed Yoongi down stairs were Hoseok was already sitting at the island eating cereal.

"Morning Hobi!!" Jimin threw himself onto Hoseok's back hugging him tight.

Hoseok made a choking noise and almost spit out his cereal back into the bowl.

  "Hey Jimmie." Hoseok said with a bright smile hugging the smaller back.  Yoongi smiled and walked over to the cabinet and got two bowls.


He loved Jimin as one of his best friends... But right now... He wasn't a fan of the bubbily cloud.

Everytime he'd see Jimin and Yoongi laughing together or feeding each other their food... He wanted to vomit.

Hoseok wished he was the one making Yoongi laugh and feeding Yoongi off his fork... But no... He'd always be on the back burner...

  But Yoongi was finally happy... And that's all Hoseok cared about... His happiness.

  "Where's Kook at?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok looked up from his bowl. "I have no idea, he didn't come home last night, the little shit doesn't want to answer my calls either."

Yoongi figured he was on another one of his trips. Jungkook would sometimes just leave without telling a soul where he was going, just to get stuff off his chest.

So Yoongi just shrugged his absence off.


  Jungkook felt so warm... He felt like he was floating on a soft cloud in the sky....

He opened his eyes and was met with Taehyung's dark eyes staring back at him.

Jungkook's eyes darted over Taehyung's face noticing every handsome detail he had to offer.

"Hey." Taehyung said in a groggy morning voice.

Jungkook awed at Taehyung's beauty...

'Even in the morning he looks amazing...'

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