Chapter Eight

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    "SugaHad been coming over almost everyday ever since he met up with Jimin that day... It's absolutely irked Taehyung's nerves. Jimin didn't notice, but Taehyung did. The little things Yoongi did to make Taehyung's blood pressure go up, touching Jimin's hair, gently brushing his hand against his, making him laugh, giving Taehyung dirty looks or, just touching Jimin in general.

  Taehyung couldn't stand it, Yoongi knew exactly what he was doing...

  "I gotta go to the bathroom guys, be right back."  Jimin chirped and hopped up from Taehyung's lap and ran up stairs. They'd been watching a movie while Yoongi was over hanging out with them. Taehyung tries to be kind to Yoongi, but is only greeted back with a scowl from Yoongi.

But nothing was going to prepare him for what is about to go down.

  "You think you've got him wrapped around your finger don't you?"

"Excuse me?" Taehyung turned to Yoongi who had smug look on his face. "You heard me, you think just because me and Jimin aren't together anymore that you have some kind of claim on him... Well you're wrong."  Yoongi glared at him, but Taehyung glared back. "What are you talking about?" Taehyung knew exactly what Yoongi was talking about, he just wanted to hear it put of his mouth. 

"I want him back." Yoongi was staring right through Taehyung.  Taehyung almost laughed, "You're out of your fucking mind." Taehyung laughed, but Yoongi had no signs of humor. "I'm serious.." Yoongi's voice was dark and low, like it would devour everything in it's path. "You keep dreaming pal, the only reason you are still here is because Jimin asked me to let you stick around.. Don't ruin it for him you fucking criminal."

"If I'm a criminal, does that mean I can steal your man?"  Yoongi smirked, biting on his index finger. Taehyung leaned over getting really closer to Yoongi. "I wish the fuck you would." Taehyung made his voice sound as threatening as possible. "I already am." Yoongi leaned closer, Jimin's presence ended their argument. Jimin bounced back over to Taehyung and sat in his lap. "Sorry it took so long, I had to get in my Pj's!" He pulled on his donut print shirt. "Cute." Yoongi smiled at Jimin, making Taehyung's stomach churn. "Thanks Suga."  Suga? What the fuck kind of nickname is that?  Taehyung thought.  "What do you think Tae?" Jimin turned and smiled at Taehyung.  "Adorable baby." Taehyung pulled Jimin down and kissed him long a slowly right in front of Yoongi. Taehyung glance over at the couch, and Yoongi was giving him a death stare.

  Taehyung couldn't believe it, this asshole comes into his house, and threatens to steal Jimin. His boyfriend. That fact just made Taehyung kiss Jimin harder. "Hey, if you two are gonna sit there and suck face, I'll leave." Yoongi cleared his throat, Jimin blushed. "Sorry, let's finish the movie." He said gently grazing Taehyung's inner thigh, making him tense.

  It was laughable to think that Jimin would choose someone that he hadn't seen for years, over Taehyung. But , the way Yoongi looks at Jimin, and the determination in his eyes.... It worries Taehyung.  Taehyung is nowhere close to being a delinquent, but Taehyung would go to jail over Jimin in a heartbeat if he had to. 

Jimin snuggled closer to Taehyung during the movie, letting out small giggles at funny moments in the film. For a moment Taehyung forgot that Yoongi was even there... Until he wrapped his arm around the back of the couch, just barely touching Jimin's shoulders. Taehyung was a raging storm... All his emotions swirled inside of him like dark clouds of roaring thunder. But he had to be calm... Jimin see's him as an old friend... there's nothing to worry about Tae. Taehyung told himself, he pulled Jimin closer to him.

  "That was fun Jimmie." Yoongi said standing at the front door. "Yeah I had a great time,"  Taehyung scowled at Yoongi from behind Jimin, only getting a darker look from Yoongi. "Call me okay?"  Yoongi just winked... Winked! At my boyfriend! Taehyung didn't know how much more of this he could take.  "Okay, drive save." Jimin giggled, and shut the door, turning to Taehyung.  "Are you okay?" Jimin titled his head up at Taehyung who was still shell shocked at what Yoongi just did... Right in front of him. 

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