Chapter 38

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"Mmnn..." Jimin rolled his hips back and forth as Taehyung leaned back and gripped Jimin's small hips in his hands.

"W-Why here?" Jimin closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck, missing his warmth.

"Because I've missed you..." Taehyung breathes out into Jimin's ear making him shiver. Jimin was tensed, the fear in the pit of his stomach, of getting caught crawled on the inside.

Taehyung could feel just how tense Jimin was with each roll of his hips.

"Baby, relax..." He said squeezing Jimin's thighs a little and whispering in his ear. 

"Besides..." Taehyung smirked, "I locked the door behind me." He massaged Jimin's ass cheeks, making him moan out and bite his lips.

"Sneaky..." Jimin smiled and kissed Taehyung passionately, Taehyung sucked and bit at Jimin's thick lower lip, making Jimin whine. Taehyung leaned down on top of Jimin, thrusting faster and sharper into the needy blonde. Making it hard for him to be quiet. "Ah! Tae!" Jimin moaned and wrapped himself around Taehyung like he was his only life line.

Taehyung missed this, a few months might not be long, but when you miss someone this much it feels like forever.

"I love you Jimin," Taehyung said with a deep rapsy voice in Jimin's ear nipping gently at his lobe.

"Ah! I love you too." Jimin could barely speak with all the pleasure consuming him. Taehyung moved his hips faster. The sound of his hips smaking into Jimin's filled the air.

"F-Fuck." Jimin bit into his lip as he moaned loudly. Taehyung leaned down into Jimin's ear. "Baby boy, you better keep it down... Someone might hear you." He attacked Jimin's neck in kisses. "Mmnn." Jimin moaned and ran his fingers through Taehyung's soft, fluffy hair.

Knock knock "Ey, Jimin you're on in ten minutes,"

Jimin's heart frozed, his body tensed as he looked up at Taehyung like a deer in headlights.

"You okay mate?" There was another slight knock.

Jimin had to gather his thoughts before he spoke. "Y-Yeah Felix I'm fine...." He tried to catch his breath.
"Just a little tired." He breathed.

"Alright I'll come get you in ten to do touch up okay?"

"Okay," Jimin said quickly.

They both waited until Felix's footsteps completely faded down the hall before attacking each other again.

"That was close." Taehyung smirked and caressed Jimin's small frame in his arms."Mmm ten minutes.." Jimin moaned and gripped the cousion beneath him. "Hmm." Taehyung hummed in response .

Taehyung bucked his hips quickly, making Jimin's legs quiver. He held back shakey moans as his nails dug into Taehyung's back. Jimin pressed himself closer, wanting more of Taehyung's heat and touch he missed so much .

"Tae.." Jimin moaned into Taehyung's ear. Taehyung's skin became hot and tiggled at Jimin's warm breath. Just the sound of Taehyung's name coming out of Jimin's mouth, was enough to make Taehyung cum inside of Jimin and collapse on top of him. Taehyung's breaths were heavy and quick, sweat dripped from his brow onto Jimin's bare chest. "Let's get cleaned up Daddy..." Jimin said playing in Taehyung's damp hair for a minute. He glanced over at the clock to see that they only had a few minutes to get cleaned up. "Yeah," Taehyung got up and got dressed and waited on the couch as Jimin cleaned himself up. "Thanks for that baby..." Taehyung stretched. Jimin stood at his mirror and turned with a smile. "Anything for you Daddy." He giggled and sat in Taehyung's lap the rest of the time.

Felix eventually showed up to the door, "Okay lets go Jimin- oh!" Felix jumped in surprise as his eyes landed on Taehyung sitting on the couch with a happily placed Jimin in his lap. "Uh... Am I interupting?" He hid behind his clipborad.

"No," Jimin giggled, "have you met my boyfriend yet Felix?" Jimin hugged Taehyung's neck.

"Uhm no but i know who you are sir nice to meet you Mr.Kim." He bowed his head slightly, his Australian accent was beauitful and flowed. "Nice to meet you too." Taehyung nodded back and bounced Jimin off his leg.

"Meanie" Jimin pouted walked over to Felix, Taehyung giggled and followed the two to the makeup booth, where a stylist touched up on his hair and makeup. Taehying watched closely as the woman teased his blonde hair with a comb, and dabbed pink lipstick on his lips to make them look fuller.

Taehyung just happened to look up and see Ji-Sung walking by with a lose white dress on, she was also getting touched up for the final shoot.

Everything in Taehyung wanted to tear her to pieces, he went to walk towards her and Jimin grabbed his wrist.

"Tae... Don't do anything rash." Jimin looked at him with begging eyes.

Taehyung leaned down and kissed his forehead "I wouldn't dream of it baby."

With that Taehyung walked over to Ji-Sung's booth. She was leaning forward applying some light blush

"Oh hey Taehyung," she smiled without looking up at him, the light from her mirror showed ever perfection of her face.

  "Don't play dumb with me." He said quietly like a snake. "Why the hostility?" She smirked and continued to apply her makeup.

"I know what you did to Jimin..." He growled through his teeth.

She put the makeup brush down.

"We were both drunk Taehyung... Please... Forgive me.." Her face fell like she was sad, like she felt some kind of shame for what she did.

Taehyung leaned down close to her ear. "I swear to God if you ever touch him again... You'll regret it." He bored his eyes into hers as she stared right back.

"Wouldn't dream of it..." She smirked and got up, swaggering off to the set of the movie.

Taehyung watched as she dissapeared, the bubbling hate he had for that woman was about to overflow.

ℐ 𝓀𝓃ℴ𝓌 𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝒶 𝓈𝒽ℴ𝓇𝓉 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅!!! ℐ'𝓂 𝓈ℴ𝓇𝓇𝓎! 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎ℴ𝓊 𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝓇ℯ𝒶𝒹𝓈!!!

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