Chapter 65

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Jungkook slowed down as their crew rolled through Loctus Springs.
Jimin's heart was beating so loud that he swore Jungkook could hear it throbbing in his chest.
His eyes were wide with fear, and he uncontrollably picked at his fingers.

"It's gonna be okay Jimin." Jungkook said looking over at him.

"Your destination is to the left."

That's when Jimin saw it... That familiar red Lamborghini... Parked in front of the small mansion...

His heart sunk.

He didn't want to get out... But the waved of red hot rage that he hadn't felt in years... Returned. It boiled his blood to the point where he shot out of car and slammed the door shut.

Jin saw this, and he realized how pissed Jimin was...

"Jimin wait!" Jungkook and Jin both called after Jimin who was storming up the steps.

Jimin didn't listen, he walked right over to the door and kicked it open.

Jisung shot up from her bed and started to dress herself as quickly as possible.

Her heart was racing just as fast... But she wasn't going to wake Taehyung up. She wanted Jimin to see him laying there, in her bed.

  She heard the angry footsteps coming for her. She was scared... But she knew that she had everyone of them in the palm of her hand.

Jimin flung open the door and very once of anger that was swarming in his chest... Faded slowly to heartbreak.

Tears immediately swelled in his eyes as he saw Taehyung cuddled up to one of her pillows...

"You crazy bitch!" He growled and rushed over to Taehyung shaking his shoulders.

"He wanted it Jimin..." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Bullshit! I don't believe you!"

Taehyung could hear his voice... His angel's voice. It sounded so close... But so far away. That's when his vision started to come back... Jimin's face was blurry... But he could start to hear the heart break in his soft voice...

Then he saw them, the tears streaming down his face.

"Baby?... Why are you crying?" Taehyung asked in a hoarse voice.

At that moment Jin, Namjoon, and Jungkook rushed into the room.

Namjoon's jaw clentched, and a murderous feeling started to bubble up inside of Jin.

Jungkook just stood there dumbfounded...

Jisung wasn't expecting all these people... She back up against her wall.

"What are you people doing in my house!" She screeched.

Taehyung looked around...

This wasn't his room... His house....

He then saw Jisung...

"Fuck." He said out loud and ran his hands down his face.

"What the fuck happened Taehyung!?" Jimin sobbed heavier.

"Yeah what the actual fucking shit happened!" Jin said as he pulled out a small pocket knife. Namjoon quickly took it from him.

"Yeah TaeTae, tell them... Tell them how you invited me to have a drink with you, and then dinner, and then you asked me to sleep with you." Jisung said looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked up at Jimin with a shocked and confused look on his face. He didn't even know if this was a dream or not... He didn't know why his head was hurting so bad, or why he was here in Jisung's bed.

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