Chapter Ten

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  It was Saturday morning, today Taehyung was off, and that meant it was a full day with Jimin. No Yoongi, no work, and no distractions. Just Jimin.

  "Hey baby, it's time to get up." Taehyung kissed Jimin's shoulder, and started to tickle him a little bit. "Stop Tae Tae!" Jimin giggled, he squirmed in Taehyung's arms. "Good morning." Taehyung said when Jimin turned over and looked at him with a sleepy smile. "Morning Tae." Jimin leaned over and kissed Taehyung.

  "Are you ready?" Taehyung asked getting up, "Ready for what?" Jimin rubbed the side of his neck, "Our date night, just me and you out on the city." Taehyung smiled. "Yeah!" Jimin jumped up, "I'll go make us breakfast!" Jimin scurried down the steps, Taehyung loved to see Jimin smile, it just makes his whole day a little brighter.

  Taehyung got dressed and walked down stairs where Jimin was already done with making breakfast, "Go ahead and eat, I'm gonna go get dressed." Jimin chirped and went back up stairs. Taehyung giggled at how fast Jimin bounced up the stairs.

Jimin came back down the stairs after Taehyung finished eating, "Are you ready to go Tae?" Jimin came down to where Taehyung was sitting and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Yeah If you are." Taehyung got up and grabbed his keys, "Let's go."

   It was a busy road that morning, Taehyung figured that there was an accident up ahead. He looked over at Jimin jamming out to the music on the radio. "Are you having fun baby?" Taehyung laughed, Jimin blushed, "Yes I am." He turned the radio up to the Ferrari, and danced harder.
It made Taehyung laugh harder as he slowly pulled forward, he looked at the temperature gage, "Damn, it's 95 degrees Jimmie, why the hell do you have a turtle neck on?" Taehyung smiled. Jimin tensed a little, but still smiled. "It's never to hot for a turtle neck Tae." Jimin danced some more, but Taehyung still wondered why someone would wear a turtle neck in 90 degree weather. But today was Taehyung and Jimin's day.

He planned on it being a good day. 

  "Where do you want to go first Jimmie?"  Taehyung entwined his fingers in Jimin's. "I don't know, let's go shopping first, then let's go to the arcade, and then to the movies, and then let's go out to eat, sound good?" Jimin looked at Taehyung with a smile. "Yep, let's go."

They went to all of their favorite places, talking to the employees, because they all love Jimin, and Taehyung... But mostly Jimin. They went into the Vucci department. "Hey Mr. Kim! Hey Mr. Park!" Hana came up to them and greeted them with a smile. "Hey Hana." Jimin gave her a hug, and Taehyung followed. "How's business Hana?" Taehyung put his hands in his pockets, "It's busy as ever Mr. Kim!" Hana smiled brighter. "Are you here to buy anything, or just here to check up?" Hana asked, "Whatever he wants." Taehyung titled his head toward Jimin smiling. "Oh alright, Mr. Park, you know where to find me!" She smiled and walked back over to the register.

  "She's great!" Jimin cooed, "Yeah I know, I'm thinking about giving her a raise." Taehyung followed Jimin around the store.


They spent their morning shopping, until Jimin got hungry earlier than he expected. "Tae Tae, can we please get something to eat?" Jimin pulled on Taehyung's sleeve. "Yeah if you want, what do you want to eat?" Taehyung looked down to his little cloud's eyes. "Panda Express!" Jimin pointed to his favorite place to eat. "Alright then."

They went and got in line, local fans snapped pictures of them as they made their way across the food court.  "I love getting my pictures taken!" Jimin beamed at Taehyung. "Me too, sometimes." Taehyung said. He wished all the cameras would disappear for one day, just so Jimin and Taehyung could enjoy their day.

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