Author's Note

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Hi everyone! So I've been really thinking about my next story, and I've already wrote a few chapters of it.

The next story I will be writing is called The Mermaid and the Fountain of Youth.

It is going to be Taekook, so if you don't like that ship please don't read my story, share it with someone you think will enjoy the story😊.

Since Love You ALWAYS is coming near to its end, I was thinking about maybe posting the first chapter just to see how it does.

Please let me know if you'd like to see the first chapter!!💜💜💜

Preview ...

"I can't believe captain let a filthy siren on the ship."

Jungkook spat with venom at the back of his throat as he glared down at the beautiful creature traped in the cell infront of him. Taehyung was curled in the corner, shivering and hugging his chest. His teal hair started to dry as the salty air came in through the window.

They had stripped the mermaid of his golden arm bands, and his silver rings.

His shimmering tail was starting to shift slowly into legs, fear was eating at Taehyung's nerves, very ounce of him was trembling as he dared not to look up at the man that threw him into the cell.

Hot tears streamed down Taehyung's face for the very first time, there was a stinging in his eyes that he never felt before...

He was terrified.

"L-Let me go..." His teeth chattered as his blue eyes glanced up at the man staring daggers in him.

"Oh so it can speak, perfect." Jungkook scofted, admitting that he was in awe at the shifting of Taehyung's tail.

"I know nothing about what you're looking for!" Taehyung dug his nails into his soft sun kissed skin as his voice cracked under his own fear.

In a white hot rage, Jungkook flung open the cell door and marched over to the mermaid, grabbing him up by his soft cheeks. Taehyung flinched as Jungkook's strong grip felt as though he was going to break Taehyung's jaw.

"Listen here you disgusting creature..." Jungkook said in a low, threatening voice, that only made Taehyung recoil away and try and push against Jungkook's shoulder.

"Mnhm! Let me go!" Taehyung sobbed and tried to pull away.

Jungkook leaned in to Taehyung's ear, and in a low whisper...

"If you don't show my captain where the Fountain is... I will make sure you die a slow painful death... Don't test me siren..."


UwU 💜 Lemme know of you wanna see the first Chap💜💜💜

P.S. I'm not going to refer to Taehyung as a "merman" because I literally hate that word and I think it's weird sooo. Yee.

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