Chapter 64

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  "Nnhm." Taehyung groaned as he leaned forward in his chair.

"My... Head..." He said putting his face in the palm of his hands.

"You okay Tae?" She said with worry as she put her small hand on his forearm.

"Yeah... I just feel... Light headed." He said staggering with his words. She could tell that the drug was starting to kick in.

"You're just exhausted Tae come on I'll take you home," she said getting up. Taehyung tried to protest but his words were to muffled, and his mind started to fog over.

"Nmmhn..." He started to sweat, cool beads ran down his back and forehead as Jisung placed her arm around Taehyung's back, she placed Taehyung's arm over her shoulders and started to carefully walk.

Jisung knew to stay clear of the paparazzi...

So, she snuck out the back headed towards the private parking lot.

She quickly helped Taehyung into her red Lamborghini before she got in the driver's seat and sped off.

Taehyung was leaned back in the seat panting heavily.

"It hurts..." He sealed his eyes shut and whined as he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

She looked over at him, "It will only hurt for a little bit love." She put her hand on his and drove faster.

"Make it stop hurting..." He begged her with soft puppy eyes. She could feel the trembling in his hands.

"I might have given you a little too much." She said to herself as he pulled into her drive way...

Jimin and Tesu drug in to the studio building. Jimin was literally dragging his bags behind him as he staggered into the studio break room.

"Wow, I feel like I haven't been here in years." Jimin said putting his head down on the table.

"I know right?" Tesu chuckled and grabbed a smoothie out of the fridge. 


"Hmm?" Tesu asked sitting down infront of Jimin.

"He still hasn't called me..." Jimin said with a sad tone to his voice, his expression looked faded...

"Maybe he lost his phone?" Tesu suggested as he took a sip of his pink smoothie.

"He would've bought a new one by now..." Jimin said staring at the table blankly.

"Maybe it's dead?" Tesu shrugged.

Jimin simply shook his head. "I feel like something is wrong..." He said looking up at Tesu with a worried expression.

"J-Jimin- baby please..." Taehyung was whinning as he laid flat on his back in the purple silk sheets.

He squirmed and tired to touch himself, but an elgant hand gently swatted his hand away.

"I'm right here love..." She whipered as he straddled his hips.

'Damn... He's bigger than I thought..'

She thought to herself as she felt Taehyung's large bulge beneath her.

"Hurry... It hurts." His eyes were half lidded, fogged over with lust and drugs.

His large hands engulfed her small hips, squeezing gently on her soft flesh.

She let out a small whimper as she felt the soft tindrils of electricity flow through her spine.

She started to roll her hips in long drawn out motions... Making Taehyung a even bigger mess...

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