Chapter 62

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"Everyone get in their places!" Taehyung said clapping his hands loudly.

People were scrambling everywhere trying to get everything ready. Upbeat music was playing, making it hard for Taehyung to conduct his workers.

Models stood ready at their changing booths with two or three assistants ready to quickly dress them.

Taehyung walked quickly through his entire checklist, his stress and anxiety were at their peak at the moment as people from right to left were asking him questions.

He walked over to the certains and peaked through the black fabric.

Thousands of people were sitting in the stands. Taehyung gripped the certain as he felt the preasure start to settle in. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Even though he'd done this hundreds of times, he still has a fear that the crowd wouldn't like what he had to present. But he was even more afraid about whether or not they'd loke Minho's line or not....

His designs were absolutely gorgeous... But Taehyung knows how society can be.

Someone, somewhere, would find something to hate about what Minho had made...

And Taehyung is scared about how Minho is going to take the negativity.

But he has to wish for the best.

"Wooow! There's a lot of people here!" Hoseok exclaimed as he looked back at the crowd. Thanks to their connection with Taehyung, all three of them got exclusive front row seats to the show...

"Well duh, hyung... It's Vucci." Jungkook said as he ajusted the cuffs of his black tux.

"I've seen bigger crowds in the fast food drive through..." Yoongi grumbled as he crossed his arms.


Hoseok and Jungkook both looked at him with their stern eyes.

"I'm just saying..." Yoongi rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.

Jungkook and Hoseok both gave each other the same "you got to be kidding me" look.

As soon as Yoongi laid eyes on the mini bar in the back, he walked through the large crowd on a mission.

"I'm surprised his liver isn't failing." Hoseok shook his head.

"I know right?" Jungkook said shaking his head along with Jungkook.


Yoongi slouched at the bar holding a half full martini glass in his hand.

Suddenly, there was a light hand on his forearm and the soft scent of vanilla that filled Yoongi's nose.

"It's about time you showed up..." Jisung's red lips spread in a smirk as she ordered herself a drink.

"Sorry I'm late... But I kinda didn't want to come..." Yoongi gave her a sarcastic grin as he sipped his drink.

"Hmm," she smiled and leaned closer to him.

"This is it Yoongi..." She said in a low tone that only Yoongi could hear.

"Soon, you'll have your Jimin, and I'll have Taehyung." She kissed Yoongi on the cheek gently.

"Just don't fuck it up this time, that'd be great..." Yoongi said turing to her a bit.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh don't worry..." She grinned. "I have something that will turn the most level headed man... Into a horny freak..." She tapped a small vivle of white powder to her red lips.

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