Chapter 63

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  The fashion show had begun.

Models of every shape and skin tone strutted down the stage, showing off Minho's hard work.

Jungkook and Hoseok were taking pictures and making a shopping list for the next time they were near a Vucci store.

"These are so beautiful..." Hoseok said as he snaped another picture.

"Yeah, you got that right." Jungkook smiled and admired the fashion.

Yoongi was having another drink, and Jisung was mingling with important people near by.  She would glance at him every once in a while.

He would give her a quick nod and continue to sip at his drink....

"Wooow!" Jimin said as he looked at his phone.

"They're already leaking photos of Taehyung's fashion show!" Jimin leaned over and showed Tesu a picture of a few of the items.

"Oh whoa.." He said pulling the phone over closer to his vision.

"I know right!" Jimin smiled and pulled his phone back .

"His assistant did the designs this year," Jimin nodded. "I'm very impressed." He smiled as he saw a picture of Taehyung and Minho standing on the stage.

Jimin's eyes scanned over Taehyung's outfit, he'd almost forgot how good Taehyung looked in red.

"Damn, your boyfriend is hot." Tesu said as he was looking over Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin's eyes flicked over to Tesu with an annoyed glare. "I'm aware..." Jimin said letting his eyes go back to his boyfriend's picture.

"How long have you two been together?" Tesu asked as he leaned back in his seat.

"We've lived together since we graduated High school... Hmm, about a year and a half now." Jimin smiled.

"Wow, impressive..." Tesu nodded. "Have you thought about marriage?" Tesu asked.

Jimin looked at his hands and started to fiddle with his fingers. "Yeah, of course I have- I would be an idoit not to want him as my husband... But, I want him to ask me..." Jimin said looking back at Tesu.

"Talk to him about it, nothing has to be set in stone ya know?" Tesu said putting his eye mask back on.

"Yeah... I know."


"That was awwwesome!" Jungkook ran over to Taehyung who was helping pack up clothes.

Jungkook hugged Taehyung tighly, followed by Hoseok.

"Yeah!" Hoseok smiled brightly.

Taehyung laughed and hugged his friends. "It wasn't my doing!" Taehyung said as the two pulled away.

"Minho is the one to thank for the amazing show." Taehyung said putting his hands in his hips.

"Where is he?" Jungkook looked around for the young man.

"He left early, I told him to go ahead on his vacation." Taehyung said leaning on a near by door frame.

"Where's Yoongi? I thought I caught a glimpse of him at the mini bar." Taehyung chuckled a little.

"Yeah, he's around here somewhere." Hoseok said with an angry expression on his face. "I'm going to beat the shit out of him..." Hoseok said shaking his head in disappointment.

Taehyung and Jungkook both laughed.

"There he is!"

All a sudden Jin and Namjoon came into the room. Jin was wearing a light pink sports coat with a dark pink shirt underneath. And Namjoon, had a casual black turtle neck on with a white sports coat.

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