Chapter 49

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The room was filled with drunk laughter. The six men laughed as Jungkook was passed out on the floor, he young man had a deep set blush on his cheeks and his mouth was wide open showing off his bunny like teeth.

He let out small whines and groans as he was unconscious and drooling all over his self.

His friends took this time to take embarassing photos of the brownette to tease him with later.

Taehyung wiped tears of laughter from the corners of his eyes.

"I can't believe he passed out on the third shot!" Taehyung leaned his head back on the couch and laughed.

Jimin giggled, "stop making fun of Kookie!" Jimin playfully hit Taehgung, feeling a little buzzed himself.

Hoseok was shaking his head with laughter as he snapped a whole album of pictures.

"Oh Yoongi is gonna love this," he said locking his phone and taking a sip of the smooth punch.

" He passed out!" Jin aduibly wheezed, hunching over to surpess his window cleaning laugh.

Namjoon just watched in amusment as his buzz clouded his mind.

"We are horrible," Jimin ruffled the unconscious boy's hair.

"Tae, could you go put him in the guest room?" Jimin layed back on to the couch and nudged Taehyung's leg with his small feet.

Taehyung groaned, "ahhh, sure." He got up and gently picked Jungkook up in his arms.

"Oh my- what the fuck is Yoongi feeding him!?" Taehyung whined under the weight of the muscular boy.

"That's pure muscle." Hoseok gestured to the groaning 23 year old man in Taehyung's arms.

"I can tell," Taehyung said as he carried Jungkook's dead weight up the stairs. The younger's head was leaned back over Taehyung's arm and his arms were sprawled out, one hanging lazily over Taehyung's shoulder, and the other hanging loosely by his side.

"Urgh... Kookie quit being heavy..." Taehyung was never the one to work out much, so his muscular strength wasn't at its peak. But he was strong enough to carry Jungkook up to the guest room.

Taehyung walked in the room, turning on the light skillfully while still holding Jungkook close.

"Nhmmm.." Jungkook groaned as Taehyung laid him down on the soft embrace of the bed.

Taehyung let out a sigh as he covered Jungkook up and sat on the edge of the bed.

He looked down on Jungkook's face, taking in how his pink lips were parted slightly, and how cute his teeth looked poking out barely from his upper lip.

Taehyung smiled involuntarily, and reached out running his thumb over the soft plushness of Jungkook's bottom lip.

"Sleep tight Kookie..." Taehyung said barely under a whisper.

When Taehyung went to pull away, Jungkook grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

"H-Hyung." Jungkook's glossy eyes looked up at Taehyung.

"Please... Stay with me." Jungkook hiccuped and tears brimmed the youngers eyes.

Taehyung's chest heaved at the sight of tears blimishing Jungkook's golden skin.

"Kookie, why are you crying?" Taehyung scooted closer shushing Jungkook, and wiping his tears away.

"I-I want Taehyung Hyung to stay with me... I don't want you to leave me..." Jungkook brought his hands up to his face to hide the thick tears falling down his face.

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